Atanu Sarkar Among Top 20 Entrepreneurs of 2016 - Webskitters

Atanu Sarkar Among Top 20 Entrepreneurs of 2016

Atanu Sarkar, the CEO of Webskitters Technology Solutions Private Limited, has been placed among the Top 20 Entrepreneurs of 2016 by SiliconIndia-the largest community for the Indian Professionals, for his continuous endeavors, hard work, and diligence to help his company taste success by adhering to the industry standards.

A distinguished and renowned panel of topmost CIOs, CEOs, VCs, Industry Experts and Editorial Board of Silicon India, was established to do a thorough analysis of the entrepreneurial journey of the selected candidates and to compare them against the industry standards. The list was finally shortlisted to the top 20 to introduce and highlight the individuals who with their out-of-the-box thinking and unsurpassed guts to reach to the apex of the market, has brought about ground-breaking change in the industry and has led their venture to achieve success.

Being a CEO of a CMMI Level 3 Company that now serves more than 35 global corporations and employs about more than 150 employees, Atanu Sarkar, has come a long way since the time he began his struggle for becoming an entrepreneur.

In the initial years of his career, he was gleefully serving giant conglomerates for years and then he realized that this was not what he always wanted to do. It was this realization that instigated him to leave the monotonous job and start his journey towards entrepreneurship which was always a dream for him.

Having been married with a month old kid, this was a tough decision and great risk for Mr. Sarkar, but it was his will, his family’s support and of course his desire that has helped him to reach atop the market. You taste success only when you are ready to take the risk- and this saying proved to be right for Mr. Sarkar. He took the first step towards achieving his dream by starting the company with a single computer at home with his brother, Ayan Sarkar, standing beside him as a pillar of support.

Ayan Sarkar is today the CTO or Chief Technical Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Private Limited. He is also a Digital Business Speaker and an Author. He is extremely passionate about the IT industry and always keeps himself updated about every single development that occurs in the industry. It was his faith on his brother’s dream and his knack for developing ground-breaking solutions for the clients that today the company has reserved a secure position in the global market for the IT industry.

Within a couple months when the venture was launched by the Sarkar brothers, a few more guys- Suman Bhattacharjee, Saikat Dasgupta, Souren Adak and Atanu Dey, currently holding the positions of Vice President- Human Resource Department, Vice President- Project Management, Vice President- Customer Management and Chief Marketing Officer respectively, in Webskitters, joined in.

From two to six, there began the growth of the company which is currently standing tall with the employee strength of more than 150 employees. It was the vision of Atanu Sarkar, which his team of six people began to work for and gradually brought the company to the stature of a pioneering firm in the field of web development and branding.

“If you work hard, success will definitely follow. If you fail its fine, go ahead and try once again with the same kind of determination, some or the other day you will find success”, believes Mr. Sarkar. He attributes his success to the determination of his team and feels very grateful to have such a supporting family who served as his backbone during his time of struggle.

It was his emotional connection with his family and the people who supported him all throughout that he longed to develop a friendly environment for his office and this has helped the company to bag the ‘Best IT Place To Work’ Award.

Being a fearless person, who is always eager to take challenges and prove his worth in the industry, Mr. Sarkar has taken the best possible steps for taking his company to another level of success. It is his farsightedness and great decision-making power, which has helped the company to achieve the ‘Fastest Growing Indian IT Company’, ‘Fastest 500 Asia Pacific’ and ‘Pride Of India’ award, within a short period of its inception.

“Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way” – you must have heard this popular proverb, Mr. Sarkar worked on it. He carved his own way in the industry, without any Godfather and today is standing tall in the market, giving a tough competition to his rivals. Believing in giving answers through his actions, not words, Mr. Sarkar has managed to quiet every naysayer who had denounced his decision to become an entrepreneur and had doubted his capabilities.

Mr. Sarkar always desired to contribute to the growth of the society. He said, “I wanted to give back to the community, not just monetary benefits but also wanted to enhance the knowledge of other people, and this is the main reason behind starting my own so that everyone can grow along with me. It’s not about money; it’s about the moral value”.

He with the help of his team has also established Webskitters Academy, now a leading IT training institute of India, in order to help the young talents to gain IT education under the professional platform for excellent career opportunities. Through, this training institute he is not only generating great opportunities for a lot of skilled people to find a suitable job but also helps them to get proper education and guidance to polish their skills and use their imagination and creativity at the right place.

It is his extraordinary skills and self-belief that has helped him to stand tall amidst the significant and leading entrepreneurs, establish a zealous example for his colleagues and be an inspiration for many.


Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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