How COVID-19 Is Affecting On Global Economy?

Based on the recent stats, COVID-19 has successfully stalled lives around the world. Since the date of detection, it has left a severe impact on humans from every end. Be it professional life, or personal, COVID-19 has spared none.

This pandemic was first detected in China and now has proven to be a dangerous contagion for people in 188 countries. Coronavirus spread has made organizations from around wondering about the expenditures they will be needing to get out of the damage in which they are currently in.

Here’s I’m representing a selection of interpretations to help you understanding or gathering some idea about the damage this virus is causing.

So, without wasting any more minutes, let’s start with the interpretations.

Global Shares In Shift

It is not debatable to say that there is a huge impact on the stock markets.

Yes, that’s right. In these stock markets, where shares in companies are bought and sold. Due to this pandemic, there is a terrible impact on the value of pensions individuals have or we can say on the savings accounts also known as ISAs they have.

Some of the most renowned organizations are facing intense falls as the COVID-19 positive cases grew on the other site. To name a few, The Dow and FTSE have seen their biggest quarterly fall in first three months of this year 2020 after the year 1987.

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Central banks in multiple countries have reduced the interest rates and that list of countries includes the UK. In theory, this step should make borrowing cheaper while encouraging the spending in order to boost that country’s economy.

After the interventions made by any particular country’s authorities, global markets have gradually recovered in some grounds. But, there are also some warnings coming from the analysts indicating the interventions can be volatile till the time there’s some ray of hope about the second wave of this pandemic.

People Are Losing Their Employment

It is quite obvious that because of this flux in stock market, there will be quite an intense shift in employment as well. And so is happening as many people are losing their jobs everyday or have seen their salaries deducted even after serving required hours due to this pandemic and movement restrictions.

Now, people are suffering from unemployment and depression, but this whole situation is helping to increase major economies as an outcome. On the other hand, it has some serious issues with the unemployment rising globally.

In the United States of America alone, the percentage of people falling out of work has recently hit 10.4%. This statistic was revealed by the International Monetary Fund also known as IMF. In accordance of this statistics, this is a signalling an end of a decade of world’s largest economy expansion.

Over a few millions of workers have been put under the job retention schemes supported by governments of that country.

This includes the tourism sector, hospitality and as an outcome, these have reached to a standstill even after the movement restrictions.

Of course, the data among various countries differs. Some countries are providing figures on the applications such as France, Germany, and Italy while the UK is counting on workers who have been recently employed under the scheme.

To add some positive notes on this current scenario, some signs of recovery in global job market have come under the lights.

According to networking platforms countries like China and France have been seeing an effective increase on their hiring rates as the movement restrictions are coming to an end.

Recession Risks

While the economy is on rise, it can be said that more wealth is on its way along with new job opportunities.

In general, these are measured by tracking the percentages in GDP also known as Gross Domestic Products. Well, the value of goods and other produced services can also be tracked.

On the other hand, IMF shares some difference in their opinion pointing that global economy is on a way to shrink by 3% by the end of this year while describing the declination as one of the worst case scenario after great depression that took place on the year 1930s.

Mostly Countries Are On A Recession Verge

According to various experts, this pandemic has put the world into a crisis like literally no other.

However, there is a hope for global growth to rise by 5.8% by next year only if the pandemic starts fading away from the second half of this year 2020.

This growth will be driven by countries like India and China while some other countries are also there requiring some big recovery for their economy that had been hit hard because of the outbreak.

In that list, the UK, Italy are expected to be slow in this process.

Tourism Service Is Also Hitting Hard

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Pandemic has spared none while grasping everything under its black clouds and tourism is also one of the highly affected sectors for any country.

It is quite obvious because of local and global movement restrictions that took place in our lives hampering everything right after a few weeks COVID-19 came under the spotlight.

Domestic and international flights were cancelled to leave the sector hitting hard ground.

To ease the situation now, the spread of this infection has slowed down resulting industries to start opening back up. For instance, Spain has started reopening the borders for visitors and welcoming visitors from European countries without putting them on quarantine.

Previously, the entire situation was under one of Europe’s toughest lockdown. This step caused an explode in booking stats from UK.

Fuel Price Retrieval

Comparatively during the lockdown phase, the demand for oil dried up globally as the phase closed the people inside their houses. The fuel price has visibly been driven down way more than it was before.

However, in some countries, fuel prices have gained back its ground as the travel restrictions are being relaxed. And this eventually boosting the demand people have for crude oils.

Drop In Retail Market

Drop in retail market is also experienced lows as shoppers stayed at home in order to prevent this virus from spreading. Some online surveys say that there is a potential customer base feeling insecure about their return to the retail stores.

People have also decreased their online shopping in a bid to maintain social distancing.

Some online shopping websites like Amazon offering contact less product delivery to their customers’ doorsteps.

Is There Any Hope For The Vaccine?

Authorities of various countries are pledging billions of dollars to find out the COVID-19 vaccine and also for its treatment.

In this run, some of the potential pharmaceutical giants are in for the possible drug development. All these to heal mother earth from this COVID-19 curse and get human lives back on its normal track.

Till the time, a potential drug is not developed to have our back to fight against coronavirus that has disrupted global economy along with everything, not a single country is SAFE.

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Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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