GSMA Mobile World Congress 2016 Focuses On Internet

The ongoing GSMA Mobile World Congress is taking place in Barcelona, Spain. Four days event which began on Feb 22nd is the biggest platform for big shots of mobile devices industry to gather, associate and perform business. Not only this but herein panel discussions are organized to open up latest avenues of business also. At present 2000+ companies are exhibiting their cutting-edge technology laced products. Some technologies are extremely young but hold immense potential to rule the future world of mobile industry.

This is the venue for annual Global Mobile Awards ceremony. The award is the recognition for biggest innovative mobile solutions.

Some Interesting Things Noticed Still Now

Mobile Congress is much more about internet and lesser to iPhones and Androids. Internet is quickly turning as all-enveloping air. It is all around us while we drive it directs us; banking transactions; hotel bookings; air-ticket bookings; shopping, what’s not. Internet is everywhere and so it is in Barcelona Mobile World Congress.

World Of Virtual Reality

The oncoming HTC Vive is a headset based on virtual reality techniques. The headset will be available to the USA markets in April. Mark (Zuckerberg) himself promoted Gear VR headset of a Korean company which has implemented FaceBook’s Oculus technology.

Showroom floor was inundated with enthusiastic participants and future consumers. However, most of the virtual reality headsets are not perfect still now. If worn for a long time, it makes you queasy. In addition, the resolution is also bad. However, Zuckerberg is hopeful and predicted that virtual reality will be the next big thing for social media platforms in future.

2G, 3G, 4G And Now 5G

If we want to make virtual reality a reality then 5G is must. With minimal latency; the would be 5G network will amplify the video streaming speed to manifolds. Some of its major outcomes will be like you will enjoy shoot up video games on your Oculus Rift more with 5G network speed than with your previous 4G network speed.

5G will become a necessity for professional functions fulfilled by virtual reality technologies. Take for example when your cardiologist surgeon will perform a bypass surgery wearing the virtual reality based headset, you want to be 200% sure that net speed will not lag behind for even a second.

5G net speed will not be widely available. It will be attached with more sensors. This will be embedded with cars and watches. It is predicted that 5G net speed and virtual reality will seamlessly work together.

Internet For All

A whopping 4 billion or about two-third of global population is still without internet access. This is an important issue and will be discussed here. Internet can be a major way out of poverty and the market is vast for Internet Service Providers. FaceBook’s Free Basics program will be a major point of discussion.

Internet Companies Should Be Regulated

Mobile service operators have demanded for the continuity of regulation laws that restrict obtrusive activities. Particularly with its chat apps FB Messenger and Whatsapp which are offering communication products.

Encryption Issue

In Barcelona everyone is waiting with baited breath to see the outcome of opposing arguments between iPhone and FBI on the issue of hacking the San Bernardino accused’s iPhone. According to Aaron Levie, Box CEO, “It should become evidently clear that more security, not less, is the key to maintaining the trust that sits at the center of our digital age.”

It is too early to say any concrete matter about the growth of internet this year. We can hope for the best as still now the industry is working fine.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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