How To Build An Effective Conversion Campaign With Pinterest?

Conversion of leads is one of the significant things in the world of online business. More and more users are now interacting with pinterest which gives more exposure to their brands thus causing more and more leads to convert. According to statistics, pinterest can certainly generate revenue and conversion which is proved by the following results.

  • Pinterest users are 10% more likely to buy rather than those belonging to other social sites according to a research of Shopify.
  • Nearly 300% more revenue per click is generated by Pinterest than twitter and 27% more than Facebook.

There are different strategies that could be planned with the help of pinterest which can certainly help in conversions of your leads. Different steps and strategies which marketers can use are

Promoting campaigns and contests

Pinterest campaigns and contest cab draw users to any particular campaigns. Say for example, you effectively plan a contest for your target audiences and simply ask them to pin the correct answer or even arrange for a marketing campaign asking your audience their favorite product. Through this pinterest campaign you can easily generate conversion as well as revenue very effectively.

If you wish to have such a pinterest campaigns, there are some of the necessary steps such as

  • The primary step involves setting up goals for the campaigns. Make sure that the terms of the competition is not to difficult otherwise it will repel viewers from your campaign.
  • Whenever you are planning a pinterest campaign, make you that your goal are completely in agreement with your term and condition of your contest.
  • To attract more users to your campaign, offer high prize which will be irresistible to your users.
  • Make sure that you have proper analytical statistics of your results keeping track of the number of pin.

User generated campaigns

If it is the question of Social Media Marketing Service, user generated content can work wonders. Allow your users to post content involving their active participation.

For example, if you allow your users to submit pictures on your website along with the call to click “shop it” tab, results show that nearly 20 % users click that button.

To get started with this campaign, you can

  • Motivate your fans to upload photos of different product or services
  • Let them submit video testimonial and reward them.
  • Offer your top pinners access to your board.

Collaboration with influencers
To draw more attention to your pinterest or sponsored pinning campaign, you can certainly ask influencers to take part in the campaign. The pin of the influencers can draw leads very easily.

For example, in a popular campaign, influencers with 200,000 and 10 million were asked to pin on the behalf of the company. This campaign brought 1000% increase in site traffic, a 1300% increase in Pinterest-led revenue and 30,000 captured email addresses. Adding this to your marketing campaign is very easy and requires few steps such as

  • Add influencers and strategic planners to your board on pinterest so that they can create social buzz of your post.
  • You can also link your influencer’s pin to dedicated landing pages to effectively capture leads.

Touch the desire of your users as well as surprise them.

If you can touch the desire nerve of your users then offer them lucrative offers. Like for example, you can get shoppers to visit your website but if you want conversion then you can tempt on pinterest by offering free shipping.

In fact you can additional pop up on your interest to take your visitors by surprise. Trust me that element works wonders with maximum conversions.

To apply this campaign, you can take steps like:

  • Welcome message of your visitors can certainly please them and be beneficial for them as well.
  • To give added incentive on your pinterest, offer exclusive discount coupons for your visitors.
  • Stir the interest of your visitors by offering special pre launch offers for Pinterest followers.

According to sources, Pinterest enjoys full support of the users. For internet marketers, Pinterest certainly provides added advantages and helps in converting passive browsers into paying customers.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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