Top 5 Bottlenecks of Ecommerce Business - Webskitters

Top 5 Bottlenecks of Ecommerce Business

Present era is the age of Internet and business is increasingly becoming Ecommerce centric. This sector is extremely profitable and doesn’t need too many preparations. Just hiring of a quality Ecommerce website Development Company along with reputed digital marketing company will place your brand on right path but there are few bottlenecks which establish age old proverb: The devil is in the details. Let’s see top 5 of them.

1. Trust Building Factor

Alluring design of a website is awesome to create a positive first impression on client but when you are present on online platform one of the biggest challenges is to build a loyal relationship with him/her.

This is because you are not recognized in the market. People will buy the similar product or service from a well-established brand and not you. Because they trust them and you need to build the same if you want to takeover the market share of your competitor brand.

This whole affair is a time consuming and to achieve results you need to be patient. With time your good track record will impress upon them and gradually they will notice you. However, some simple points to increase your credibility factor are as follows:

  • Displaying proper address and contact number in the footer section of your website.
  • Displaying authentic credibility badges.
  • Displaying authentic client testimonials.
  • Displaying brief case studies which highlight main features of your product or service.
  • Offering loyalty points to your long time customers.

2. Web Security

When an online store owner starts his business one of the top things he/she ignores is the security factor of his website. No matter what one doesn’t expect his/her site to be hacked. Online store means financial transactions are involved there and any leakage of personal information can prove to be fatal to your effort of trust building. Your client’s hard earned money can be siphoned off. Is there any bigger threat involved?

Some added troubles may be like transfer of money to other sites. Your website may be locked inside and no you could make no changes from the back end. Somebody may even tamper with your site content. Some precautionary measures which can be taken are as follows:

  • Select the weak points of your site, web host and shopping-cart platform.
  • Please change your website’s login password on a regular basis.
  • Installation of elements that are based on database should be regularly customized.
  • Installing apps and software tools which can enhance your site security as it can be a good idea.

3. Order Fulfillment

When you newly begin your online store business, most often than not you think order completion process to be complicated which is in reality, more sectorised than complex. Order fulfillment process involves many subsidiary processes like packing different products in different packages. Selecting the right brand of courier and shipping logistics.

Picking, packing and delivering is a science in itself and you need mastery over it. Fast delivering service is the fundamental step of excellent client service.

4. Returns, Exchanges, Refunds

Proper system of returns, exchanges and refunds go hand in hand with order fulfillment channel. The whole process makes up customer service and higher is its quality; the better is your reputation. For each of these segments, separate policies should be created which should be easily available at your web page.

5. Mobile Commerce

Accessing internet via mobile device is the modern trend and this seems no sign of recession very soon. That’s why to create a responsive site is not well enough. Streamlining the checkout process is very important and sometimes what’s spick and span on a desktop and laptop can be totally distorted on a mobile device. Make it sure that it is unbroken.

Like every other device, here also you should be fully convinced about superior user experience. Introduce a user centric app in your website.

Ecommerce development service should be well recognized and long track record of good works. Such kind of a service will most probably take care of all of the above-mentioned points.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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