High Performance Big Data System For Your Business - Webskitters

High Performance Big Data System For Your Business

IT industry is identified with huge, quality and critical data that needs to be utilized at the right time so as to meet the performance challenges that comes in the way of the success of any business. Several modern technologies and highly distinguished amenities are used to create a flavorful environment for the IT industry. The modern applications for data include the BIG DATA and the ANALYTICS SYSTEM. These are emerging as a critical system for data in the industry. These systems are immensely utilized for making and forecasting the critical decisions related with an organization, providing detailed insights about the company and the business values, if they can’t meet this demand they lose their significance and relevance. It is used by the organization to ensure meeting the performance requirements of their business.

Introducing Big Data

Image Source: http://bit.ly/1ny7BSW

Before stepping into details, it is necessary to know what Big Data is and how it contributes in enhancing the performance of an organization. Being one of the most commonly used terms in the IT industry, Big Data is explained through varied definitions and terms. Through all the terms and definitions it is concluded that the traditional approaches to handle and process the data received or stored in an organization from structured and unstructured sources are not sufficient enough in the contemporary world and thus it is gradually being replaced by an advanced form and technology that is known as Big Data.

Proving to be worth for every business organization, the Big Data system is characterized with five main features of data, also known as the 5Vs of data. These are the Volume, Velocity, Veracity, Variety, and Value.

Defining The 5 Vs

Image Source: http://bit.ly/1ZIq0Nl

When the processing capacity of the native data capture technology and processes proves to be insufficient for delivering business value to subsequent use, it is termed as High Volume. In this process, however, the data is not sourced from traditional sources but are received from new and diverse sources that can send both structured and unstructured data.

Velocity is defined as the speed with which the data is arriving from different- traditional and modern sources. It signifies the need of real time analysis and interpretations of this data.

Yet another aspect of data, Veracity is considered as the accuracy and correctness of the data. It becomes highly significant and imperative for businesses to have accurate data as it allows them to take correct business decisions.

Variety, as the term suggests, involves and includes information assets of multiple forms, types, and structures that arrive at an organization from multiple channels or sources.

The last but not the least of the 5Vs is Value. There are several industries that see their data as a huge opportunity to establish a new repute in the market as they get detailed insight about their customer’s behavior, their preferences, and details which include the same.

Fundamentals Of Big Data System

To understand the big data system more efficiently one need to know that it involves a number of functional blocks that helps it to offer significant outcome and extraordinary results to all.

Image Source: http://bit.ly/27fGFNQ

As it can be seen in the above-mentioned image, Diverse Data Sources, Data Acquisitions, Storage, Data Processing or Analysis and Visualization forms the blocks and components of the Big Data System.

Diverse Data Sources

In the contemporary ecosystem of the IT industry, it has become highly evident to see and to experience how data flows in an organization through multiple channels or sources. All these data need to be analyzed and acted upon to verify what are useful for the company and what not. The data from these sources comes in different formats and uses different protocols. Although the varied data sources are what is highly important for all and are the first fundamental of Big Data System, the performance of the individual systems cannot be controlled or handled.

Data Acquisition

The data needs to be acquired at one place when it comes from diverse data sources and before it is processed. It involves parsing, validation, transforming and storing the data. The performance of this component is in direct relation with what and how much data a big data can system can receive at a given point of time. The process can vary from one organization to another depending on the exact requirement of the system. Few commonly performed steps in this include parsing the incoming data, necessary validation, cleansing of the data and the likes.


Once the data goes through the Data Acquisition process, it needs to be stored in distinguished place of storage where functions like processing and analytics are performed. Both the logical and physical data storage system needs to be utilized in order to help in getting the final output data for analytical functions.

Data Processing and Analysis

This process uses the de-normalization of the cleansed data and involves in performing different types of correlation amongst the various set of data, predictive analytics and so on. It serves as the core of big data system and this is where the bulk of summarization and forecasting is performed for excellent results for the organizations.

Depending upon the requirements and needs of the clients, the big data system architectures and plans some components for both real-time stream and batch processing. It helps in getting the detailed evaluations based on which necessary business decisions will be taken.

Visualization and Presentation

This is the last and final step involved in the process of the big data system. The main use of this process is to view the output of various analytical functions. It presents pre-computed results in the form of charts, tables and other such methods which are easy to understand and interpret.

Security Of Big Data System And Its Impact

There is a great need for ensuring the security of the big data system as this is where your entire business information is stored, authenticated and is processed. When a data is passed on to this system, it needs to go through a proper authentication system at the entry point and later need to be compressed so as to ensure faster data transfer. Although being a complicated system, it is the big data which goes up to the next level of actionable intelligence that too proves to be immensely helpful for the professionals and the organizations. They analyze the data right from the source, turn it into critical insights and then give it to the decision maker in real time that matters.

A lot of information flows down to an organization through different sources, channels and mediums, all of which might not be relevant to you or to your company in any way. In some cases, few of the huge amounts of information are extremely required by you on the real time basis. It is here that the big data system plays the efficient role and helps you to clear the air and get the information you require immediately while filtering out the ones which are of no use to you.

Take the specific help and assistance of professionals of the industry who offer accelerated security and compliance incident response through centralized management and advanced drill-through analytics. It enables the organization to avail high-security vision of protecting their applications and information across all repositories and cloud. They also tailor specific and unique easy to use interface for ensuring a smooth and flawless experience to them. It ensures the improvement of the entire performance of your organization and deploys a highly efficient and manageable system as an exceptional solution for your business.

Header Image Source: http://bit.ly/ZHUYvP

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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