AdWords Enhanced Campaigns have made many of us discomfortable as is the case with every new change. By now we had manoeuvred certain control over campaigns and will get accustomed with the new one as well. Yes, at first changes seem to be tough but after sometimes we adapt with them. If we have to adapt ourselves why wait for ‘sometime’? It’s better to adapt as soon as possible and before our competitors can do so. This is the best time to adapt.
Upgradation of AdWords Enhanced Campaigns was held in 22nd July. There are good enhancements and one of them are addition of improved settings for the Call Tracking Extension at no extra cost. In this article we shall enlist its upgraded features.
Who does not want to add more value to his/her campaigns for pay-per-click marketing? Everyone I suppose. A thorough evaluation of upgraded call extensions are what you need. Before wrapping up let’s have brief introduction with callout extensions and review extensions.
Callout Extensions: ‘Callout extension’ is a humble endeavour from Google to make your marketing campaigns more profiting. Through it you can add additional texts to describe your business in a better way below your search ads. Callouts are displayed above or under the Google search results. During or after you create your campaigns, you can add or edit the texts. At Ad Extension tab you can check its performance.
At least 2 callouts have to be made per account, ad group or campaign so that your ads be displayed with callouts. Callout length, their order and performance rate are factors upon which appearance of callouts depend.
Review Extension : For ads, high rated reviews are extremely important. When customers look for products or services on internet they look for best reviews or star ratings. Positive write-ups, third-party rankings and awards can be displayed with an additional text line beneath ads and give your customers more reasons to click on your ad.
We all know we’re doing great in our business but when your customer sees that a reputed third-party industry expert also agrees with you, they’are much more assured.
Review extensions can be added as paraphrased reviews or quoted portions that are associated with your product or service. Reviews are not displayed 24*7. Many factors are there such as ad relevance, bids, availability of space at search result pages, various other extensions or some added information.
Sitelink Optimization for ad Conversions: You can utilize sitelinks with your ad campaigns for its better conversion. Such sitelinks are displayed below general text lines of your ads. On clicking, it leads to some informative content of your website.
Text ads with high CTR are provided with Ad Sitelinks. When you want to spread messages for your new promotions, Ad Sitelinks serve your purpose. To drive-in traffic for your high-converting content Ad Sitelinks are used. In addition you can put in light upon the part of your webpages which don’t attract much attention in natural searches.
Call extensions make your Ad campaigns more successful as they enhances informative factor of your ads. Try and implement them as and where is required after doing a thorough analysis.
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