Popular Ecommerce Tools For Online Business Growth - Webskitters

Popular Ecommerce Tools For Online Business Growth

Online trade is in its nascent stage and its popularity is only growing. Robust CMS platforms provide ample opportunities.

Online trade is growing in rapid pace. In the year 2013 there had been a rise of around 16% sales in US ecommerce trade and moreover it was a fifteenth consecutive rise in a row. In the same year UK had saw a record breaking sales for its holiday season. For the year 2014 and 2015 same ascending trend is expected and 2014 has already proved it. Many small business owners are considering taking up online business as their forte. But as they are startups, they usually do not have a robust budget system but do require a professional and reliable platform to build their online business. The online platform should be easy to use and user friendly also.

Finding such an optimum platform can be a daunting task sometime that is why here we have jotted down few online platforms that are open source tools that are capable of meeting the needs of a small and startup business. This can surely enable you to cross record breaking sales if you handle your business prudently.

Magento (Community edition)

Magento Community edition is an opens sourced CMS platform. CMS or Content management System is a software tool that enables a business owner to control his online business more efficiently. Even if you are a layman who does not know the intricacies of computer or software languages, he/she can easily manage the business from the backend. Among a number of pros of Magento based online website one of the biggest advantages is fluid navigation, ease of use, easy maintenance of a big online store, lots of product categories and uploading of a number of product images etc.

Magento has many inbuilt features and one of it is Magento extensions magnifying its functionalities many times more. You can easily manage discount offers, payment gateways, shipping methods, offer coupons, wishlists, currency lists etc.


One of the primary activities of WordPress was the creation of attractive blog sites. But gradually a superb plugin has been developed by Woo Themes namely WooCommerce that is a toolkit to help you sell objects through your online store. WooCommerce has an intuitive User Interface. This UI is easily manageable. Reporting features are immensely intuitive. It lets you check your online store’s monthly performance, performance via individual product and according to individual category of product. A number of marketing campaigns can be run and gift or discount coupons can also run. There are options for free shipping, setting product or user restrictions etc. Other WordPress online options are also available but WooCommerce is one of the most acclaimed one.


ZenCart is a open source CMS platform and is a highly user friendly website strictly written in PHP. One of the main advantages is that it utilizes MySql database and it is extremely easy to install, highly user friendly, easily keeps your catalog and products updated and to top it all it requires no further HTML coding. To beat your competitors you regularly need to customize your online store and ZenCart lets you do the needful very easily. Advanced template system customizes your online store.

There is a system of override protection that is a built-in system so that during any upgrades you can easily protect your original PHP codes to be overridden. All of the vital information about your website could be easily controlled from the admin area. It enables you to add fine tuning from different places easily and quickly.

Spree Commerce

One of the biggest open source platforms that are powered by RoR or Ruby on Rails is easily maintained and customized. It offers ease of integration, flexibility, backend automation that helps you build up a unique storefront.

One of the biggest advantages of Spree Commerce is the availability of multiple store fronts. These stores are available for both offline and online stores. Custom functionalities can be built out by store owners. You can also integrate in house systems to the existing workflow of your store. There are smooth checkout systems, 50 different payment gateways, inclusion of Google Analytics and custom tax logic supported by Spree Commerce.

Ecommerce web development is a lucrative career option for entrepreneurs who want to carve out a niche for themselves and offer career opportunities to others. There are ample options available regarding robust CMS systems.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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