Top 10 Tricks to Make your Online Store Festival Ready - Webskitters

Top 10 Tricks to Make your Online Store Festival Ready

Holiday season is knocking on our door and if you’re an Ecommerce or online store owner this is the right time to make a final checking of your site and see if it’s fully prepared to face the high traffic of holiday season. This may give you a guranteed high ROI and publicise your brand. We have enlisted top 10 tips to ensure a high security and superbly rich marketing features loaded experience so that you can confidently face the holiday rush hours.

1. No abrupt changes to layout or navigation

According to industry experts modifications in the codebase, functionality and user experience should be totally avoided during the beginning of the holiday season. Introducing basic chnges in store’s functioning and getup can cause serious problems and may confuse your loyal as well as potential customers. This will ultimately disrupt the natural flow of traffic therby significantly hampering sales. Drastic changes may frustrate your customers thereby abrupt abandonment of your site. Instead you should focus upon modifying your offers, contents and marketing techniques to make your site much more customer friendly thereby avoiding disruptions.

2. Enable your site to withstand high holiday traffic

Online buying is gaining fast popularity and for young generation it is synonymous with shopping. Thus in this rush hour your site performance should be 100% accurate. For this you need to make a final performace test. Important sectors to test are loading speed, responsiveness and page optimization. Remember that unique marketing techniques can bring in superior customers and higher traffic but ultimately it’s site performance that backs actual conversion. Your web host should provide equal services, matcing your expectations completely. They should also know which way should they bring in greatest positive changes. Additional resource options like Content Delivery Networks and Solid-State Drive Hosting can significantly slowdown the possibility of site crash or its low loading speed.

3. Ensure high site speed

According to studies made by relevant authorities around 57% visitors would leave a site with more than 3 seconds loading speed. That’s why you should make appropriate site speed tests to ensure high loading speed and providing best experience to your users. Give your customers what they are looking for otherwise they will move to another site.

For video, graphic heavy contents and other slower ones you should make it clear that before the advent of Shopping Season you are going to streamline it. During the hurried sales and lucrative offers days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, tolerance level for slow page load is very less and expectations high.

4. Enhance your site security

One of the primary concerns of online shoppers is security in particular with respect of financial transaction. Therefore adding and displaying a high-assurance TLS/SSL certificate with your site is now not a fashion statement but a necessity. To add more credentials to your sites’ security you can add EV SSL certificate with it that generate green address bars, display of your company name at the address bar and green padlock. Recent survey reports have made it clear that customers add extra trust with green address bar and feel much relieved to do business with that company.

5. Proper stocking of stores with quick reorder process

Missing a sale because of lack of products in your inventory is worst possible disaster and a prior planning can completely thwart this problem. Finding a shortfall of products in your store, customers can quickly move into some other site. One of the best possible tricks to manage this problem is addition of tools to set reorder list once stock falls short of a threshold limit.

6. Staffing up

Regardless of order volumes, customers expect same attention level from you and that’s why every contact channel of your customers should be followed by your staffs. For example emails, phone contacts, chats as well as different social-media accounts should be appropriately channelised by your customer representatives and sales personnel. High traffic areas should be provided with a fixed time duration where you can offer best services. Remember that best holiday season experience of your customer can turn an ontime customer a repeat customer.

7. Shopping from variety of devices

Mobile devices are playing extremely vital role in online marketing and therefore your site should be properly responsive. Scaled down versions of website should contain exactly same functionalities as its larger counterpart. Otherwise applicability of mobile versions are useless and will do more harm than benefit.

8. Image optimization for giving a festive feel

Holiday shopping is an emotional affair and therefore type and quality of photos play very important roles in holding your customers’ attention. If your product images are shot in low light or have low resolution then you must reshoot them for festivals. If you are short of time to reshoot them you can use a service like Bonanza Background Burner to automatically give it a cleaner background and colour correction.

9. Highlight top-rated products and offer gifts

Holiday season should focus more upon positive reviews and rates. It is a good custom to highlight top-rated products directly on your homepage. If you have not applied this still now, this is the time to do so. Incorporate social-posts, question-answers and ratings-reviews so as to enhance personal level of interaction with your customers. You can put up special page and category for high demand gift items to boost up its sale.

10. Create deadline alerts for holiday shipping

It’s a user-friendly feature to add a shipping deadline for your products. If different product categories have different shipping deadlines then mention them clearly.

These are some tricks which could be highly beneficial to you this holiday season for your Ecommerce website. We hope that by applying them you could easily reach your dream objective. We wish you all the very best with your business.

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Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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