Top 5 Ecommerce Platforms of Year 2015 - Webskitters

Top 5 Ecommerce Platforms of Year 2015

If you have Ecommerce website/s you know the tussle among candidates to convince you choosing one of them as your preferred platform: Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, PrestaShop, Opencart and many more. This selection is quite difficult in simple words but also the vital one as whole of your business future depends upon it. Based on its individual offers and SEO effectiveness some of them are ranked by us. Hope such a chart will be helpful to you in making your decision.

Ruling the Popularity Chart

While searching for your Ecommerce platform, first motivation for you will be obviously the popularity chart and it should be checked. Platform that is mostly preferred by all, obviously has certain features to back it.

The chart is topped by ‘Shopify’ which is then followed by ‘BigCommerce’. Many of the latest features of ‘BigCommerce’ has to do with its surged popularity. 3DCart is the 3rd place holder.

‘Magento’ is ahead of its competitors. Its Community Edition has recorded slight decrease from 25.6% to 25.3% share but Enterprise Edition has gained significantly. Months of September and October has seen steep height of selling with PrestaShop and OpenCart.

Popularity chart may be one criteria to search for your platform but it’s not the ultimate. Many things make a contender to rule a chart such as robust marketing team and backing of lump sum finance.

Platform Migration

Before choosing your platform next step that you should consider is to see the curve taken by site owners when they want to migrate to a new platform. This is an important point to consider as this indirectly proves that the platform has taken pain in updating its system with latest technology and went extra miles to engage more users.

Market share search shows us that ‘Shopify’ is gaining customers from ‘Volusion’ and ‘Big Cartel’ while losing maximum against ‘BigCommerce’. One of the popular customer requests is migration from deprecated platforms to ‘Magento‘. Mostly these demands are based on scalable platform, high performance; availability of broader ranges of extensions and its integration.

Easy to Use

Novice online store owners have biggest concern on simplicity to use their websites. Forget about diverse set of functionalities, if it is complex to manage, it is not cool.

All of top Ecommerce platforms constitute for easy dashboard; easy setup wizard etc. Overall ease of use consider flexible design functionalities, inventory management and setup process.


Feature rich ‘Magento’ platform is out-of-the box solution for small, medium and big enterprise sized Ecommerce stores. Its ease of use makes any alteration step much easier such as site expansion and other

custom changes. Many consider this by far one of the most sophisticated and intelligent Open Source CMS platforms.


In respect of ease of use, ‘Shopify’ has all required features. You can quickly add products, customize its look and many more functions with it. One of the striking features is that when you ‘signup’ here, ‘Shopify’ asks if you want to migrate from some other platform. Through a link provided you can shift products from your original site to ‘Shopify’.


With its cleanest dashboard and clearest explanations to build your site, ‘BigCommerce’ is certainly rising on popularity chart among consumers. But what we didn’t like is its similarity with ‘Shopify’ dashboard.

‘BigCommerce’ lets you coding option to customize your site as per your requirement. Design options are handy too.


With its user friendly back office features; multi-shop management system and easy customer management system, PrestaShop’s popularity graph is on the rising. Feature loaded ‘Pricing Rules’ let you run various promotions for individual customers and a certain group.


Biggest plus point of ‘OpenCart’ is its intuitive dashboard and lets you analyze your sales reports and online people more rationally. Friendly and easier user interaction system are attractive features and are helping in its rise in popularity.


User engagement is directly related to lucrative web design and ‘Shopify’ gives you one of the most professional looking theme templates which can be used by Ecommerce store owners and raise its business output.

In comparison with ‘Shopify’ and ‘BigCommerce’, ‘Magento’, ‘PrestaShop’ and ‘OpenCart’ offer a little less variations in template designs. Nevertheless template designs offered by all of the 5 top Ecommerce platforms give you enough options to turn your website as one of the most sorted ones.

For giving unique appeal to your website we suggest you to buy custom themes or rely upon your expert designer team. You can also hire services from reputed web design companies.

Apps, Extensions and Add-ons

Apps, extensions and add-ons are well equipped tools to enhance functionalities of your website. ‘Magento’, ‘Shopify’ and ‘BigCommerce’ offer hundreds of such extensions to fortify your website. ‘PrestaShop’ and ‘OpenCart’ are trying hard to catch up with popular demands.

App that helps you out to build a loyalty program or an extension for email receipt solution are easy to develop for an expert ‘Magento’ developer. You can easily filter out and browser through various product categories using ‘Shopify’ or ‘BigCommerce’ platforms.

Concluding Remarks

No comparison article would ever decide for you which platform is best for you and which is not; this is solely dependent on your specific requirements. Check out the platform that projects your products or services in best manner both for you and for your customers.

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Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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