There are many reasons why Ruby on Rails is so much loved by the startup companies. Let us see why?
- Ruby on Rails is a programming language that was developed for the happiness of coders. This is a common concept of many developers that they have escaped the tiresome development environment on development platforms of Java or .NET. This is because these platforms are slower than RoR.
- Rather than small organizations, larger companies tend to develop programs on Java and .NET because these platforms follow conservative rules whereas RoR or Python offers lenient development environment.
- Some developers have migrated from PHP to RoR. This is based upon pure technical reasons. The developers of Ruby continuously evolve their development tools. In comparison to PHP, Rails was an early entrant of Git and GitHub. Focus is fixed upon testing module of this framework rather than PHP.
- Many designers and developers prefer the template language of Haml and the Sass CSS preprocessors more than the HTML and CSS preprocessors. Haml and Sass CSS preprocessors are comfortable with Rails.
- Very often the Rails developers use Macs operating system. There is better hiring options for developers using the Mac OS.
- Practices related with full-stack web development for building highly scalable websites are more keenly followed by RoR developers. On a regular terms such concepts are discussed as closely as the language itself and that is worker queues, caching, management of threads and processes, non-relational data storing, optimization of filesystems and kernel, configuration of proxy, checking redundancy and its monitoring.
- If a startup company wants to hire a RoR developer he/she should take notice of the fact that the developer using RoR or any other latest framework is far keener to excel in development environment rather than those who stick with regular frameworks. It is seen that these developers are more eager to contribute at open source projects. These types of personalities fit into a startup environment more comfortably than those who want to own a cozy, solid job.
- Commercial infrastructures are available for installing RoR and it is really amazing. Not to forget an online polyglot namely Heroku, a cloud based service provider functional since 2007.
- Excitement with Rails is fully justified as even a small team can transform a skeleton product into beta level very quickly using tools which are just amazing. Embracing the conventions and constraints such as the project structure and pluralization help a lot the young talents to grow as excellent programmers.
- RoR is a cost-effective option as not only it can be downloaded for free but also most web servers and databases are free.
- Ruby is popular for its high level of interaction means those websites that require huge contents for input, storing and managing them as the website is easy to navigate, upload and manage the content. RoR is thus ideal for building CMS, CRM or an Ecommerce system.
- Multiple customers could be served by maintaining an easy database schema. With various fixtures, active records, migrations and maintenance of database schemata very easy affair. It is a fast way to maintain new versions of database and metadata. RoR makes you tension free to determine which customer has got what material.
- The architecture of RoR is such constructed that easy modifications can be performed that is it allows for a continuous and painless change. Thus this refinement means that your customers would happily pay you what you deserve.
According to a survey done on full time jobs in 968 startup companies 289 used RoR, 244 used Python, 477 used JavaScript and 185 used Angular.js.
In fact the developers who like to work with Ruby are also knowledgeable of a whole lot of programming languages including Node.js or Python (Django).