Widening your Organic Reach on Facebook - Webskitters

Widening your Organic Reach on Facebook

The use of Facebook is certainly entertaining but difficult when one wishes to get organic results. There are several hard ways to do it that.

It is needless that the most popular along with the trending social media is undoubtedly Facebook. With every passing day, the followers along with the likes are increasing at an interesting pace. Now here comes the interesting part. The most difficult job concerning the world of Facebook is that of a Facebook marketer. There is very high competition out there in the world of Facebook. There are some specific users to nearly follow a post multiple times a day. The world of Facebook is competitive so you do need to post engaging content to attract leads towards your brand. Mostly importantly you must believe that free promotions are certainly not allowed in Facebook.

Here are some of the ways on how to increase Facebook’s organic reach.

Creation of Quality content

Well content is always the king. Brand’s organic visibility can be effectively increased if you can post consistent quality content. Facebook is no different from Google as it emphasis on relevant, engaging quality content. There are several engagement metrics on Google such as clicks, likes and shares. These include the game of social networks. For any particular page, if you wish to attract maximum visitors, you do need to create content which will boost user engagement and will give you higher CTR or click through rate.

Using Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a platform providing different data which helps page owners to keep a track of their performance of content. Some of the popular Facebook insights include

  • Likes: Within a definite time, the total numbers of people who have liked your page will give you idea of its preferences. In fact you can see the definite breakdown of organic versus paid likes.
  • Reach: This is a metric which tells you how many people have seen your post. There are other positive metrics which includes comments, shares and likes.
  • Visits: This is a breakdown analysis of the tabs which were visited on the timeline.
  • Posts: Your posts will keep track of the type, time, engagement as well as the reach of your content.
  • People: People gives an idea of the fan base based on language, location, people reached and gender.

Building a community

Facebook is not about a single person but a group of person. For any effective brand promotion, social media is all about creating and building a community to reach maximum people. If you notice the behavior of any top brand, you will see that they have created the right popular community which compels their fans to come back again and again.

With the help of right community, you can easily build strong online communication by building Facebook communities focusing on likes, shares as well as clicks.

The above ways are all hard-working ways to attracts organic results to your social media websites. These ways are time consuming and there are no short cuts to it. It is advisable to opt for these ways as manipulative tricks, posting lots of promotional content will surely not get to anywhere as social media is certainly not an easy work.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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