Everything You Need To Know About Mobile App Development Frameworks - Webskitters

Everything You Need To Know About Mobile App Development Frameworks

Martha wakes up in the morning, and the first thing she does is check her phone, scrolling through different apps. Figuring out what she wants to eat for breakfast, she orders it through a food-deliver app. Freshens up, gets ready for her office, picks her phone up again to book a cab, and scrolls through other apps just to check what’s trending!

This is not just the story of Martha, it’s the story of more than half the population of the world. The app-dependent life that Martha leads is our daily life. We all tend to use mobile applications to make our life easier.

From waking up in the morning to lying down in bed at night, everything happens in our life through some clicks and taps on mobile applications.

Have you ever wondered what are the things that go into making such mobile applications that make your life easy? Behind creating such intriguing and beautiful applications, the expertise of the developers and the use of top mobile app development frameworks is often used.

What Is a Mobile App Framework?

A mobile application framework is an inclusive tool used by the developers to create successful mobile applications. These frameworks offer a collection of code libraries, SDKs and other tools required for mobile application development. It enables the developers to build feature-rich and impressive apps without starting from scratch.

It can be also mentioned as a basic structure that helps the developers to add details to their code. The framework provides a sustainable environment for the developers to create bespoke mobile application development.

Reasons For the Tremendous Growth Rate of Mobile Apps

There are many reasons for the stupendous growth of mobile applications. Here we have enlisted a few of them below:

  • The eCommerce industry is directly in sync with the demand for mobile apps. The growth of the eCommerce industry has led to the demand for apps and has also led to the facilitation of online shopping.
  • The growth of new technologies such as AR and VR has also developed a renewed interest in the development of mobile applications.
  • The use of smartphone users has increased in the past few years and is expected to grow further. Hence, the need for mobile applications also rises.
  • The increasing popularity of the policy- Bring Your Own Device, has increased the growth of mobile applications.
  • The popularity of social media has led to the increase of mobile applications, providing a better and improved user experience for all the “social people”.

Businesses must engage with the right audiences and address their requirements. Meeting their requirements, the businesses have to move toward exponential growth. Developing a mobile application is one of the most stunning ways to reach out to the audience and leverage the amazing modern technologies.

Mobile apps have become an essential part of our lives. You can hire dedicated mobile apps developers to get an out-of-the-box idea and an in-depth understanding of the market, which help you to get a stunning app for your business needs within minimum turnaround period. However, the mobile app development framework plays an unconventional role in helping the business to provide an unrivalled encounter to its users.

Types Of Mobile Application Development Frameworks

The market consists of different digital devices, including Android, iOS and Windows. The requirements for mobile applications are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Being the business owner, you ought to decide on the device you want your application for. There are three different types of mobile application development frameworks-

  • Native Mobile Apps

Native apps are used by businesses that target a specific device like Android, iOS or Windows. Developers use a native framework for developing a native app and it keeps in mind the specific OS requirements. These applications can access the respective device’s features such as GPS, camera, etc. With the installation of a native mobile application makes the best use of the device features that helps us to operate quickly and intuitively.

However, a native app is not compatible with any cross-platform use. Developers need to create applications for all devices, separately.

  • Web Apps

Web apps serve the purpose of getting your business the traffic that comes from the desktop. It is designed to serve as the web-based interface for any device. These apps help in weblogs, emails and instant messaging. Developers prefer to use web app development framework to create stunning apps with full control in their hands.

Businesses tend to capture the attention of their desktop audiences through the help of these applications.

  • Hybrid Mobile Apps

A hybrid app is cross-platform app development. It helps businesses to develop an app that could be easily available and accessible on both mobile and desktop. These apps are created with a combination of web and native application development components. The aim behind the hybrid mobile apps is to have an app for all devices. There is no need for developing an ad separately.

Although the hybrid apps have fewer features as compared to the native ones, and their performance is also not similar, the hybrid apps are yet extremely popular in the market. It saves the time and resources of the developers and money of the business owners.

When To Choose Which Mobile App Development Platform?

There are thousands of business verticals out there, but not all platform is for everyone. So, let us help you understand when to select which mobile app development platform:

Choose Native Platforms When:

  • Need of delivering the best user experiences to your audience.
  • A project is full of challenges and difficulties.
  • You need to develop a customized solution native is the best platform.
  • Business needs an app with a native look and feel.
  • You would like to spend less on testing through various devices.
  • Eager to establish yourself as a trendy brand.

Choose Web Platforms When:

  • You are looking for an easy-to-maintain solution.
  • Cost is a concern for the project.
  • You would like to have a native app-like experience for your users.

Choose Hybrid Platforms When:

  • Budget is a major factor for you.
  • Stylized UI is not a concern.
  • You are developing a promo project.
  • The project is simple and straightforward.
  • Need for multi-platform development.

Criteria For Choosing the Best Framework for Developing an App

So, now you have selected the device for which you need an app, what next? Start the development? No. No. Wait. Now there are various frameworks for each type of app. You now need to choose the best framework for developing the app.

But, how would you choose the best framework that will help you get a wonderful application? You have to make yourself aware of the various criteria that will help you out in your selection. Here, we have got a few points for you:

  • Performance

If you have planned for native and cross-platform applications, then you have to look for a framework that can function swiftly and efficiently. Like websites, people do often quit out of any app that doesn’t load quickly. Speed and performance are a major concern for all your software.

You have to keep a track of the latest frameworks that can use the best codes and libraries for delivering optimum speed to your mobile application.

  • Range of Applicability

Consult your team of mobile app developers, and sort out if your entire mobile app will be developed in just one framework or a set of them. The range of applicability also determines the kind of framework that is best suited for your application.

  • Platform Feature Support

Check out if the framework that you are selecting is ideally-suited for your platform or device preference or not. It allows the users to experience a smooth integrating system and be specific to the platforms the application is designed for. With its platform feature support, the framework guarantees that the customer bounce rate is low and you have great traffic for your app.

  • Security Concerns

Select a framework that guarantees to keep your company’s and users’ data safe. In this age of growing data breaches and cybercrime, if you can guarantee your users of their safety, you are most likely to thrive. So, pick up a secured mobile app framework to ease the transaction and obtain the trust of your audiences.

  • Development Cost

Another major area of concern when it comes to selecting your app development framework is the development cost involved. Consider selecting a framework that reduces the cost of app development. Creating an app can be a costly affair for many businesses you have to try to be within your budget, and the best way to do so is by deploying an efficient framework.

  • After Launch Updates

When you are considering selecting the best mobile app development framework, choose the one that provides you with a better scope for the future. It should have all the necessary features to support the future, power the upcoming trends and process regular maintenance and updates.

How Can Experts Be of Immense Help to You?

When you are all confused about making an informed decision for your project, don’t be scared or back out of your plan, hire the experts, and take their assistance to conquer the digital space. Being a reputed mobile app development company, Webskitters understands your idea and helps you shape your future in the most aesthetically-pleasing way! Get in touch with our experts today!

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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