Extension of WordPress Using Custom Content Type - Webskitters

Extension of WordPress Using Custom Content Type

WordPress is reputed to put in unique functional contents that are absolutely out of the box. It not only handles open source contents but also CMS or Content Management Systems. Initially WordPress was meant for the creation of some amazing blog sites but it is no longer limited to it only. Nowadays some plugins help it to create ecommerce sites and one such plugin namely WooCommerce is extremely popular. One of the most important advantages of WordPress is its ease of use. All you have to do is choose a hosting platform, such as GoDaddy or any platform you prefer. Install WordPress on that hosting platform and start customizing. It is easy for novice learners to use it. Among major disadvantages one is its commonplace lineage as many web developers hold it to be below par status. This is because according to them WordPress has limited functionality. In this article we shall try to get you a different view from this last mentioned idea. In fact a website made from WordPress can be fully customized in accordance with client requirements and it permits to register new data types that are fully adjustable to the CMS.

Making custom post types

WordPress lets you to customize regular content types such as ‘post’ and ‘page’. Take for example that a mall usually needs a post type of location whereas a freelancer or a digital agency would need post type of project. If a content is basically different from either a post or a page type then you should create a new post type that is here in this case spinning of a custom post type is a good idea indeed. Let you take a fictitious case where you may need to make separate post type for your regular press releases. But this is permissible for only some specific cases. In an ordinary situation, a press release may be published as a commonplace post. Or take another fictitious situation wherein you may want to make a separate post type for all your landing pages. Contrary to this special situation, a landing page can be shown in a page category also.

Registration of a post type

To register a custom post type, easiest way is to use an object oriented model as gradual and regular addition of functionalities will be required as the complexity of the program code increases.

Extension of a post type using one or more taxonomies

As we all know the dynamic nature of WordPress there are associated categories and tags to enable you to keep proper contents at proper sections. By default a new post type do not has a separate taxonomy attached. It may be like this that at initial phase of a program, you may be reluctant to register a separate tag or category to your new post type. In case you want to register a new one then will have to add new tags and categories.

Two variants of taxonomies

  • The first group of taxonomy behaves like checklist categories that are displayed on the right side of post list.
  • The second group of taxonomy functions like tags having no hierarchical ordering.

Big web development companies regularly hire WordPress developers to serve their clients in a better manner and more smoothly. Thus you can decipher the already famous nature of WordPress websites. You should never demean its importance as many big sites of reputed companies run on it.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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