Four Ecommerce Apps To Boost Year-End Sales - Webskitters

Four Ecommerce Apps To Boost Year-End Sales

End of the year is knocking door and the shopping season has begun. Ecommerce store is the next-gen Santa and it has gifts for all, big or small (believes in equal distribution of gifts). After taking a close look at trends we have created a list below:

Xactly inspires

What an innovative app that is an expert in cloud sales compensation. Wow your manager will love it as he/she gets a complete overview of what’s happening in the sales funnel. Not only this the app lets him/her full instruction manual of its basic and advanced usages.

Earlier on it was one way or other. Now onwards your manager is capable to do everything except quota.

Xactly inspires is a cloud-based onboarding and coaching app that lets your manager to monitor sales activities and also predict them. You may say in a sales meeting that it’s no big deal and you can easily do so. Umm! Other than the subject and body of meeting every other thing would be pretty interesting.

What’s in a meeting?

A pretty good deal we suppose. We all at some point or other complain about falling or low quality of performance of our sales representatives. Has it occurred to us that meetings are time-consuming? One less meeting means one more chance for the representative to make up his/her target.

Xactly inspires is an analytics tool that is meant to offer organization in midst of chaos called ‘Sales’. This enhances the potential of sales and may in long run accelerate the process.

NetSuite OneWorld

For long NetSuite offers a back office suite that lets an enterprise (small or big) to manage its expanded business from any location. Considering different business models that’s a tall list. This includes strategies, languages, currencies, rules of accounting and global opportunities.

It has recently put its marker down on names like ‘multi-location inventory management’, ‘multi-subsidiary management’, ‘global item and vendor records’ and ‘multi-book accounting’.

Standing on the threshold of a billion-dollar mark ‘NetSuite’ will be further helped in by this app. Yea Larry soon it will be a two-billion-dollar company.

‘Salesforce Opportunity Management’ for

In the world of technology, Salesforce is a legendary name. So no apps from it doesn’t make any sense. Yes, many companies with robust leadership quality and good technical know-how have been bought in by Salesforce and it’s latest addition is an array of solutions to both enterprise businesses and SMB markets.

We must say that this is a good business sense on the part of the company and only previous week it has implemented ‘Opportunity Management’ to This will help in’s SMB service as well as support offering.

We are seeing a solid footing behind this idea. Smaller companies have this very common feature that of donning a hat of multiple shapes and sizes. You need to be a Jack of all Trades, master of all. If one is interested to learn something new he/she is given opportunities for that.

Opportunity Management takes away bureaucratic overhead that to refuse them placing new orders and to instruct them to connect through sales desk. You can hear your favourite music in the intervening hold-on period. Increasing demands in the world of consumer market has blurred the distinction between sales and service making SMBs serving customer needs more responsively.

Selfie Mirror

In the midst of so and so complex apps ‘Selfie Mirror’ offers a comic relief. First thing that comes in our mind after seeing it is ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’ from ‘Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs’. This is the future of telephone beyond our pocket.

What lead us to comment in the manner is associated hi-fi- sound, HD camera and built-in and integrated internet with the mirror. Anything that you record, you can transmit. This will ultimately make video blogging and social media participation a hit. With enhanced security mechanisms mirror lets you monitor things in your front, at any time.

Multiple advanced capabilities have been merged into a single product and that’s just great. This is a niche product which creates own demands for supplies.

Ecommerce websites will be hugely benefitted with an introduction of above-mentioned apps. We are observing how things develop in coming months

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Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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