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Online Advertising & Its Values

Online advertising has emerged as the efficient platform for businesses of various size and verticals to shape their future, expand their reach and grab new customers. In the modern era, when people talk about advertising, 9 out of 10 people refer to online advertising. Proven to be extremely profitable for small, medium and large businesses of various sectors, the online advertising is known for generating excellent leads and huge traffic for the business.

Online advertising allows you to show your ads to the prospective customers who are likely to be interested in the products and services that you deliver. This method of advertising gives the businesses the opportunity to reach potential clients through the use of internet and different electronic devices- desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile phones.

The advent of Internet has equipped people with the knowledge of various techniques and technologies that enables them to take their business to every corner of the world. It diversifies the revenue streams and also helps the entrepreneurs to come up with brilliant strategies and leverages their business decisions efficiently.

Internet, the global communication medium helps the entrepreneurs to reach their target audiences and to develop their businesses outside their local community. Reducing the world to a global village, internet has helped people to unveil global prospects and reach them in real-time basis.

Consumers today use internet for more than entertainment purpose, they gather information from there and most importantly, since the past few years, people are using internet for shopping and for hiring varied range of services. It also plays a key role in creating and developing countless opportunities for their overall development and growth.

Benefits Of Online Advertising

1. It allows entrepreneurs to reach significantly large number of people compared to the traditional methods of advertising.
2. It is ideal for businesses with national and global presence, global target audiences and large-scale distribution capabilities.
3. The more people you serve, the more cost-efficient online advertising can be for you.
4. It is more targeted than the traditional media and ensures that the businesses’ messages are seen by most relevant audiences.
5. The results are easily measurable for each online advertising campaign that you run for your businesses.

How People Respond To Online Advertising?

  • 31% people respond by clicking on the advertisement.
  • 27% people respond by searching for the particular brand, product or service.
  • 21% people respond by typing company’s web address in their browser.
  • 9% people respond by researching more information about the product.

An Introduction To AdWords

AdWords is an advertising service offered by Google for businesses of every size, who wants to display ads on this particular search engine and its related advertising networks. While there are prospects of running ads on other search engines as well, but Google being the most preferred and widely used search engine around the world, dominates the market. It knocks out every competition that comes in its way.

Google AdWords is an extremely popular advertising process which is used by millions of people around the world. Its increased use and value can be understood simply by the fact that over 95% of the $60 billion annual revenue of Google comes from Google AdWords where more than 1 million businesses are using it for the promotion of their businesses and brands.

It allows you to enjoy the best use of the benefits of online advertising and helps you to reach the right people in the right place at the right time. Google AdWords is a significant market place that allows the companies to have their business related website ranked at the top of the search engine result page based on particular search terms by making payments for them.

Key Terms Related With AdWords:

When you are planning to run AdWord Campaigns for your business, you ought to learn about the key terms and phrases associated with it.

Below are the few essential terms you should definitely add to your dictionary before stepping into the world of AdWords.

  • Keywords

These are the words, phrases or search terms that the users use for completing their search and get to see the related results. Your ads will only show in the results of the search engine when the users will type the keywords that you have picked.

  • Clicks

When someone clicks on your advertisement that shows up in the search engine, AdWords count that as a Click.

  • Impressions

An Impression is counted every time your advertisement is shown on a search result page or other website on other Google networks.

  • Ad Group

An Ad group is defined as the group that contains one or more ads which targets a shared set of keywords.

  • CTR (Click-Through-Rate)

CTR or Click-Through-Rate is the number of clicks received by your ad and is divided by the number of times your ad is shown. The formula through which it is calculated is:

Clicks/ Impression= CTR

  • CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

CPC or Cost Per Click is the final amount that you are charged for a click.

  • Quality ScoreQuality Score is an overall estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords and landing pages. Higher quality ads promises better ad positions at lower prices.
  • Campaign

Campaign is defined as a set of ad groups that shares the budget, targeted location and other settings. These are often used to organize categories of products and services that are offered by you.

  • Conversions
Image Source-http://bit.ly/2ctytV2

Conversion is defined as the process when someone clicks your ad and takes an action that is defined as valuable for your business.

  • Call-To-Action
Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cH2wZa

Call-To-Action is an instruction to the audience to rouse an instantaneous response.

Benefits Of AdWords

Running an AdWord campaign allows you to enjoy a wonderful range of benefits that fuels the growth of your business and allows your brand to enjoy distinguished visibility on the search engines and related networks.

  • Get Your Business Found

Even if your website is not present among the first few pages of the search engine, the AdWords help you to show your business on the top results, which guarantees attracting more customers to your business. It enables you to attract new website visitors, grow online sales and helps you to retain your customers.

  • Connect With Consumers Across The Virtual World

Reaching relevant and valuable customers is no longer a dream. You can easily reach pertinent customers on pertinent websites across the web through Google AdWords. A varied range of options are available in the settings menu, which allows you to zero in on the website type, audience type and remarketing for your business, as and when required.

  • Results Are Measurable And Accountable

Guesswork is not feasibly a good option when you are here to build reputation, grab audience’s attention and earn revenue. Google AdWords shows exact result about the number of visitors your site received, what percentage click to visit your website and called you. It even shows the actual sales that your website is generating as a result of the advertisements.

  • 24/7 Insights

Just by logging in to your AdWords account, you can actually get hold of the insights about the performance of your ads. The statistics, graphs and numbers excellently present the insights about the performance of the ads.

  • Tweak And Test

Through Google AdWords, you can always tweak your ads, try new search terms, pause the campaign at any time according to your wish and re-start it whenever you like. All this can be done without you spending any extra penny in excess to your budget.

  • Advertise Locally Or Globally

Decide upon whether you want to target global or local clients and target your ads to the customers of the particular region, city or country.

The different ways of targeting your ads include:


Words or phrases related to your items, products and services.

Ad Location

It shows your ads on search results of Google and the websites which are part of Google Search & Display Networks.

Age, Location And Language

It requires you to choose the age, geographic location and the language of your target customers.

Days, Times And Frequency

Results in showing your ads at particular hours or days of the week and also determines the frequency of the ad.


Your ads can appear exactly the same on all types of devices.

  • Reach Right People At Right Time

Doing business require you to be on the right place at the time and around the right people. Your business can always be found by people on Google when they are searching for the things that you offer.

  • Reach Your Customers On Every Device

Electronic devices are available in various sizes, shapes and features in the modern world. Large numbers of people are now using the mobile and thus it is obvious that you should reach them. The Google AdWords help you to get on your target audience on every electronic device.

  • Control Your Costs AdWords help you to get the control over how you spend every single penny of your budget. It also allows you to select how much you want to spend per month, per day and per ad.
  • Manage Campaigns On Your Own

AdWords offer you various tools to easily manage and handle the accounts on your own. There are several powerful tools that equip you with the right kind of techniques and ways to handle and manage your account efficiently.

Google’s Ad Networks

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2clQqSh

Now, that we have a clear idea and understanding about the benefits of online advertising through AdWords, let’s explore the ocean of opportunities that are offered by Google AdWords to help the users, determine the place where they can advertise.

AdWords offer you the liberty to display your ads on one or both the following Google Advertising Networks:

  • Google Search Network
  • Google Display Network

Google Search Network

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cWquiy

The Google Search Network for advertising is a group of search-oriented websites and applications that appear on the search engine where your ads show simultaneously. When you start advertising on the Google Search Network, your ads can appear near search results, when someone enters and searches for the terms related with one of your targeted keywords.

Where The Ads Can Appear Through Search Network Advertising?

When your ads appear on the search network advertising, the places where your ads can appear include:

Google Search Sites

Your Ads can appear above or below the search results on the Google Search. The placement can also be beside, below or above the search results on Google Play, Google Shopping and Google Maps, which include the map app as well.

Google Search Partners

Through Search Network Advertising of Google, you also get the benefit of displaying your ads search results on websites of Google search partners. For text ads, the search partners include hundreds and thousands of non-Google websites and partners, as well as Google Video and other sites of Google. The Shopping ads can appear on the search partner sites that display and link to products for sale. The best part of these ads is that the clickthrough rate on the partner sites of Google doesn’t influence or impact your Quality Score on Google.com.

Search Network Advertising Types:

  • Text Ads, Dynamic Search And Call-Only Ads:

These are the most common types of ads available on the search network. These ads appear on the search result page with Ad or Ads label on them and might have Ads on Google label on the partner website. These ads are often shown with the ad extensions, which allow the advertisers to include the in-depth business details which include location and phone number in their ads.

  • Shopping Ads:

Labeled as Sponsored, the shopping ads give the users a strong sense of the products that is out on sale before they click the ad. It guarantees more qualified leads for the businesses.

  • Image And Video Ads:

The Search partner of Google can help and allow you to host Image and Video ads which serve as an ideal tool for you to boost your business and increase your visibility.

How The Search Network Can Help Advertisers?

  • Show their text ads beside the Google search results.
  • Reach customers who are actively searching for the specific product or service.

Google Display Network

The Display Network of Google includes a varied collection of Google websites which include Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube, the partner sites, mobile sites and different apps that shows the AdWord ads that matches with the content on the given page.

It allows the advertisers to connect with customers with a variety of ad formats across the digital avenues. This network spans over 2 million websites and helps the advertisers to reach 90% or more people on the internet. It can help you to reach to the people, who are browsing their favorite websites, checking YouTube video or using mobile websites and apps.

The display network helps you to reach people and capture their attention before the buying cycle.

Connect With The Right Audience

The Google Display Network is designed to help you find the right audience. It allows you to be strategic and helps you to put your message in front of the potential customers who are looking for you, at the right time and at the right place.

You can connect and find your potential customers and right audiences through:

1. Proper Selection Of Keywords And Topics

The Contextual targeting is used by AdWords. Based on your keywords and the specific topic area that you are targeting, it allows you to find an audience who is interested in your business, the products and services that you sell and are more likely to take action.

2. Select The Position Of Your Ad

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cVPyYp

This network gives you the liberty to select the ideal position of your ad and the audiences whom you want to show your ads. You are even equipped with the power to block your ads from appearing on websites which seems to be irrelevant to you.

3. Find Users Who Are Already Interested In Your Products And Services

Showing your ads to the relevant and right users at the right time presents you with an ideal power to create an impressive reputation by carving your own space among the interested people.

Display Network Advertising Types:

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cCDZCu

Being similar to the ads on the Google search, the text ads include a headline, two lines of text and a URL. It allows you to create a range of text ads in order to test which copy works the best for your business and for your promotion.

  • Image Ads:

These types of ads allow you to include relevant images, customized layouts and design and craft the background colors. It helps the advertisers to develop strong image through mesmerizing and stunning image ads which can easily grab the attention of the clients.

  • Rich Media Ads:

Rich media ads can be defined as essential image ads that contain interactive elements, animations and other aspects which can change depending on who are viewing the ad and how they interact with it.

  • Video Ads:

The video ads can be used to attract the customers and potential clients by using the videos which can play be played directly.

Fulfill Your Goals

The common goals which you can achieve by running an advertisement of the display network include the following:

  • You can sell more products and services
  • Build customer loyalty and trust
  • Engage with customers
  • Increase the awareness of your brand

How The Display Network Can Help Advertisers?

  • Use appealing ad formats to reach wider customers with interests.
  • Build brand awareness and customer loyalty.
  • Increase engagement with customers.
  • Choose more specifically where their ads can appear.
  • Select the type of audience to whom you want to show your ad.

AdWords Campaigns

Advertising with Google AdWords require you to create a campaign. It is used to organize the categories of the products and services that the advertisers offer. An AdWord account can have one or many campaigns running simultaneously, without any of them affecting or becoming a hindrance for others. Each campaign consists of various ad groups Depending on your budget, target audience and location you can create separate ad campaigns.

Types Of AdWords Campaigns

The advertising goals and the target audience of your business serve as the two most important factors which help you to decide upon the type of campaign that you choose to create. For example, if you would like your ad to appear on the Google search result page, then the Search networking is the ideal type for you.

Both the advertising network of Google has different types of campaigns which can suit your business goals. The campaign types determine where your ads will be placed and viewed by the customers. This is turned into more specific by targeting your ads.

The Campaign Types Include The Following:

  • Search network with Display select.
  • Search network only.
  • Display network only.
  • Shopping.
  • Video.

Search Network With Display Select

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cVSDI1

This campaign type allows the advertisers to reach their potential customers as they use Google search or visit the websites across the virtual world. The campaign requires you to set a budget, select relevant keywords, to create ads and to set the bids.

It allows your ads to appear on the Google Search Networks as well as on the sites of Google Display Networks. It guarantees to allow you to reach more people who are engrossed in the products and services that you are offering and advertising.

Search Network Only

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cWrAuu

This campaign enables you to show your ads to people who are searching for you on the Google Search network. The ads are matched with the search results pages and are based on the search terms and phrases someone searches or looks for.

You can use this type of campaign in situation which includes:

  • You want your ads to stand next to Google search results.
  • You only want to reach customers who are in search of the specific products and services which you offer.

Display Network Only

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2deu7j4

Display Network Only campaign type are best if you wish your ads to appear on websites and apps on Google’s sites and non-Google partner websites, when the search term matches with the keywords are related with the website’s content.

You can use this type of campaign in situation which includes:

  • You want to reach customers when they are browsing online.
  • You are interested in building awareness for your brand among large audiences.


Image Source- http://bit.ly/2dovpv1

Google Shopping allows the people to browse a wide selection of products and services by finding the high-quality imagery and relevant information about the products and the services that they are looking for. Helping the advertisers to connect with relevant consumers and to promote their products on Google, the Google Shopping campaigns are introduced.

This campaign streamlines how you manage and bid for the particular product categories or products, it reports about the performance of your ads on the search engine and helps you to find opportunities that enable you to attract traffic to your website from Google.

You can use this type of campaign in situation which includes:

  • Retail-centric techniques to manage the products.
  • Best opportunity to enable you to attract traffic to the site.


Video Campaigns of Google works in favor of the advertisers by paving way for them to reach their interested customers most brilliantly. It allows you to show your video ads on your own channel or within other streaming video content on YouTube and across the various channels of Google Display Networks.

You can use this type of campaign in situation which includes:

  • When you want to advertise videos on YouTube and other Google Display Network.
  • When you want your customers to attract via video advertisements.

Campaign Subtypes:

The various types of campaigns can further be subdivided into various types, which are known as the campaign subtypes. These subtypes determine what kind of settings and options are ideal for your advertisements. These options allow you to tailor your campaigns that match your business goals and objectives and focuses on the features of your advertisements which are most relevant for your business.

The campaign subtypes are:

  • Standard
  • All Features

Standard Subtype

When you want a simple overview of your campaign and feature options, then Standard subtype is the best choice for you. You can select basic location and language targeting, bidding settings and common ad extensions as per the requirements of your business.

All Feature Subtype

If you want to use in your advertisement various campaigns and feature options, you should consider using this sub type. It allows you to use more advanced options.

Where Your Ads Can Appear With AdWords?

When you plan to start a campaign with AdWords, it becomes essential for you to understand the position of your advertisement. There are various places available on the web where you can advertise to reach your customers. The location and placement of your ads depend on how you target your ads and to whom you are targeting your ads to. It also depends on the type of ads you create.

For example, if you have created a text ad with catchy headline and body text, targeting the sports people or fitness freaks and advertising on fashion website, using the display network, then your ad might not prove to be fruitful for you at all. Choosing the right network for the right type of ad is essential however its position must never be ignored.

On Google Search Result And Other Search Sites

Your ads can appear on Google when people look for the products or services that you offer, or search for the key terms which are related closely with the keywords that you have targeted for your business.

  • Google Search Sites

The ads can appear above or below the search results on Google Search. On Google Play, Google Shopping and Google Maps, the ads can appear beside, above or below the search results.

  • Google Search Partners

For the Google Search Partners, your ads might appear on search results on the websites. For text ads the search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites, Google videos and other Google sites.

On Websites Visited By Your Customers

You can also choose to target or reach the interested people who are looking for your products and services as they browse the web. Your text, image and video ads can appear at different places on the Google Display Networks, which includes Google finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube. This network also allows you to target your customers through mobile sites and apps.

  • On Different Devices

AdWords allows you to show your ads to people as they search or visit the websites when they are on the go:

  • Your ads can appear when people search on Google from their mobile or tablets.
  • Your text, image and video ads can come into view on Google Display Network websites when people visit the sites from their high-end mobiles or tablets.
  • Your ads can also emerge on mobile apps which are considered as a part of the Google Display Networks.

  • In Selected Locations And Languages

Google AdWords also equip you with the liberty to reach people in any particular location that you target and the languages that they can well understand. If you have text ads, you can choose to show them to your potential customers in a particular country or geographic location. It even appears to the customers who use names of the particular locations in their searches.

It also allows you to target your audience through the languages that they speak. If you are targeting customers who speak multi languages, then you can craft and create the campaigns that manage ads and keywords for each of the languages.

Improving Ad Quality

Higher quality ads lead to better position and lower price rate. In Google AdWords the best performing ads are the ones which are more relevant for the interested individuals. Quality Score and Ad Rank are the two important factors that affect the quality of your ad.

The Quality Score of your account is an estimate of the quality of your ads and landing pages. The AdRank determines the order or sequence in which your ad appears on the page, it is also known as the Ad Position.

Components Determining Quality Score:

  • Clickthrough Rate or CTR.
  • Ad Relevance.
  • Landing Page Experience.

Components Determining AdRank:

Formula for calculating Ad Rank:

Ad Rank= CPC Bid x Quality Score

The Ad Rank, the best position for an Ad, can be calculated by multiplying the Quality Score, the quality score of your ad, with the Cost Per Click Bid, maximum bid which is specified for a particular keyword.

  • Bid
  • Auction-time measurements of expected CTR
  • Ad Relevance
  • Expected Impact of Extensions
  • Landing Page Experience
  • Other Ad Formats

If you know the interest of your target audience and understand the market scenario, then you are more likely to create ads with focused keywords and campaigns and ads that guarantee relevant market exposure for your website which are more likely to make your ads more clickable.

How Can You Make Your Ads More Relevant For Your Customers And Improve Your Ad Quality?

  • Create Specific Ad Groups

Each ad group that you create for your campaign should focus on a single product or service that you offer. It makes your ad more relevant to your customers. Relevant ads tend to lead high quality and being specific is one of the most excellent ways to become more relevant.

  • Select On Your Keywords Carefully

Select the keywords for your ads which directly relates to the specific theme of your landing page and ad group. Using two or three phrase keywords are often more helpful than using the single words.

  • Don’t Forget To Include Keywords In Your Ad

Selecting keywords is not enough and will not work for your business, until and unless you use them in your ads. It shows the people that the ads are directly relevant to the search.

  • Craft Simple Ads

Highlight what you offer and how you are different from your competitors in your ad. Making the ad copy simple and enticing is what will work for you.

  • Use Strong Call-To-Action

Your ad text should use a strong call-to-action which should encourage people to take the actions that you want them to.

  • Try Testing Multiple Ads

It’s not necessary that you should stick to one ad. You should always try using multiple ads as it helps you to see what is working best for your business and what kind of ad is luring more attention to your website.

  • Keep A Check On Your Campaign Performance

You must always keep a track on the performance of your keywords. Test and tweak your campaigns to get the results that will boost your business.

Why Ad Quality Matters In AdWords?

The quality of ads that you use for your campaigns in AdWords can affect the following things:

1. Ad Auction Eligibility– Better quality components makes it easier for you to enter an ad auction and it also serves the purpose of cost-effectiveness. It also determines whether your ad qualifies to appear on the search result or not.

2. Lower Cost-Per-Click– Higher quality of your ads, lead to lower CPCs. This ensures that you pay less per click when your ads are of top quality.

3. Ad Position- The ad position on the search results or other networks also depends on the quality of the ad. This means high quality ad shows up higher on the page.

4. Keyword’s Ad Position Bid Estimates– High quality ads ensure lowering the first page bid estimates and top of page estimates.

5. Eligibility For Ad Extensions And Other Ad Formats– The quality of your ad is eligible to be displayed with ad extensions and other ad formats.

Targeting Your Ads:

Targeting ads so that they can appear to the right kind of interested customers is an essential and integral part of successful advertising campaign. You might have designed the perfect eye-catchy and alluring ad for your business, but if you don’t target the right people at the right time all your efforts might go in vain.

Google AdWords offer various ways through which you can target your ads.

Targeting Your Ads To Appear On Google Search And Partner Sites:

You can target your ads for the Google Search and Google Search Network in the following ways:

  • Keyword Targeting

Choose the keywords which are relevant to the products and services that you offer. It helps your ads to appear in the search result when the customers use these terms to search on Google or its Partner Sites.

  • Location and Language Targeting

Choosing the language and geographic locations of your target audience ensures that AdWords will show your result to the specific target based on the factors:

  • The Google Domain that the people use
  • The search term that they use
  • The IP address of their customers
  • The language preference set for Google
  • Language of sites they visited in past

  • Device Targeting

If you want your ads to appear on specific devices or all devices, select the particular option and your ads will appear to the right people according to your preferences.

  • Audience Targeting

Running an AdWord campaign requires you to know about the audience and the people whom you want to target. It shows your ads to people who have previously visited your website through the use of remarketing list for search ads.

Targeting Your Ads To Appear On Google Partner Websites:

You can target your ads for the Google Display Network and the partner websites in the following ways:

  • Contextual Targeting- This method of targeting is also known as the automatic placements. This type of targeting is used to match the ads to the various sites and pages based on the keywords and topics that you have chosen.
  • Keyword Targeting-This targeting requires you to chose the keywords and phrases related to the products and services so Google can target your ad to relevant websites on the Google Display Networks.
  • Topic Targeting- Topic targeting allows you to reach wider range of pages and wider audiences on the Display Networks as you can target your ads to multiple pages related with the specific topic that your choose.
  • Location And Language Targeting- This requires you to choose the location and language of your target audience and target group.
  • Placement Targeting- Falling under the category of managed placements, this type of targeting doesn’t require any kind of keyword. You can choose the websites of the Display Network that your customers visit and where you would like your ads to appear.
  • Audience Targeting- This requires you to target the specific group of people that your business needs. You can reach people who visited your site before by creating a remarketing campaign, by showing your ads to wide range of audiences, similar audience, and wide audience with similar interests. You can also target the audiences who are actively looking for the products and services that you offer or the audiences who may likely to visit your site in the near future.
  • Device Targeting- It helps you to reach the customers who uses different devices like phones, tablets or laptops. When the open the Display network or the partner sites on their devices, your ad will appear in front of them.

Points To Remember:

1. When opting for the multiple targeting options on the Google Display Network there are chances that your ad clicks with the right kind of audiences.

2. Multiple targeting options also narrow down your search and thus it might also end up showing your ads to limited audiences.

3. The display ads appear only on the Google Display Network. They don’t show up on the Google Search Network.

Tools Required To Plan A Campaign

AdWords offer you several tools that allow you to build your campaigns in the right way and achieve the advertising goals that you had set up for your business. The tools include:

  • Keyword Planner
  • Display Planner

Keyword Planner

The keyword planner is the workshop for building your Search Network campaigns. If you are just starting your Adword campaign, then the Keyword Planner helps you to set-up a well-structured and well-planned campaign. It also helps you to get additional keyword ideas and options based on your existing keywords.

Benefits Of Using Keyword Planner:

  • Research Keyword: It helps you to get keyword ideas based on the search terms related to your products or services, your landing page and other essential categories. It also helps you to combine two or more keywords to save time and avail the best of the benefits available to you.
  • Gain Historical Statistics And Traffic Estimates: You can get a clear idea about the statistics and the traffic that the keyword attracts. This piece of information helps you to develop a campaign that proves to bring necessary attention to your business.

Display Planner

This tool helps you to plan your Display network campaigns. It enables you to create a new campaign and expand your opportunity to expand the reach of your existing campaigns and websites.

Benefits Of Using Display Planner:

  • Research Targeting Method: You can get a clear idea about the keywords, placements and other methods which would help you to plan your campaign on the Display Network.
  • Get Impression Estimates And Historical Costs: You can see how your targeted ideas may perform based on the past results and information. It helps you to plan your budget and bid decisions.

Payment And Budget Of An AdWord Campaign

AdWords provide you the liberty to have a control over your advertising costs. You can select what amount you want to pay. There is no minimum amount that you have to spend on your budget. You can set a daily budget and run your campaign easily. The first thing that you ought to do is to decide upon your business goals, which include the decision of by how much percentage; you want to develop your business.

Choosing A Bidding Strategy

Choosing how you want to spend your money is choosing how would like to bid. You should always try to choose a bidding strategy which is based on your business and advertising goals. It also depends whether you want to concentrate on receiving clicks, impressions or conversions.

  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC)- If you want your business to focus on the clicks that your ads receive, and drive traffic to your website. You would want to use the CPC bidding.
  • Cost-Per-Thousand Impression (CPM)- If you want to concentrate on impressions and increase the awareness of your brand in the market, then you should opt for the CPM bidding option.
  • Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)- If you want to focus on conversions for your business, then the CPA bidding option is the best one for you.

Setting A Daily Budget

The daily budget of your campaign is the amount that you are willing to pay for 1 click, 1000 impression or 1 conversion. The amount that you decide is entirely depending on you and your financial stability.

Your actual costs will likely to vary from auction to auction. Even though your actual cost may vary, but your daily budget puts a limit to how much you will spend on the campaign.

How Much You Are Charged?

The final amount that you pay depends on the type of bidding strategy that you select. When you choose the CPC or CPM bidding, you need to pay the amount that is needed for your ad to appear above the advertiser, who is immediately below you.

In case of the CPA bidding, the amount you need to pay might exceed the specific bid, because it depends on the factors outside Google’s control, which includes increased competition in the auction, changes to your website and the like.

Starting The Campaign

Now, as you are ready to master the process of developing your business’s reach through Google AdWords, get started by engineering your way through the following steps:

Step 1: Getting Set Up

Before you log in to your Google AdWords account, you need to equip yourself with detailed information about your customer’s needs and desires. Knowing your customer and their requirements is the best way reaches them in the shortest possible time. You have to step into your existing and prospective customer’s shoes and should delve the queries and questions that they might have about your business and the service that you offer. This helps you to provide your customers with what they are looking for.

With the above knowledge being immediately handy to you, now you are ready to start your AdWord campaign. The first step is pretty easy. All you need to do is to visit the Google AdWords website and click on the start now button.

Step 2: Enter Your Email Id & Website

In the second step of your campaign set up procedure, you need to enter a valid email address, it would be best if you use a Gmail account. You also need to put in the Homepage URL of your website. Below the website URL box, two checkboxes will appear, asking whether or not you want personalized tips and recommendations by AdWords to improve your performance online. Although, the choice is entirely yours, but it is recommended that you opt for availing the tips, which will prove to be highly beneficial for your business, especially when you are new to this.

Step 3: Set Up Your First Campaign

Setting up your first campaign might prove to be hectic and tough for you. It might be challenging but working on it and knowing every aspect of the campaign will help you to gain an insight about the process your AdWords will function.

Several aspects related with this process of campaign include:

1. Calculating Your Budget
2. Targeting Your Audience
i. Selecting The Location
ii. Selecting The Networks
iii. Selecting the Keywords
3. Setting Up Your Bid
4. Writing The Ad

1. Calculating Your Budget

Calculating your budget for the AdWords Campaign requires you to work upon the two components- your profit per sale and your conversion rate.

The profit per sale for your business reflects what you are earning in response to every sale that your business makes and the conversion rate is the percentage of people who actually order your products or services when they arrive on your web page.

2. Targeting Your Audience

Your audiences are the ones upon whom depends the success of your business and the campaign that you run. If you can target your potential customers at the right time and at the right place then you are definitely going to get a pleasing and wonderful reputation in the market. The customer is the core of your business and hitting the right cord with them is extremely necessary for you.

i) Choosing the right audience require you to connect with them ideally. Select the location of your customers. It offers you an ideal reach to your potential customers in the specific geographical area where you want to improve your visibility and want your business to flourish rapidly.

ii) Select the ideal network where you want your ads to appear. The Google Search Network and the Google Display Network are the two options available to you. Depending on the quality of your ad, your target audience and the business type, you should select any one of the network or opt for both. The networks allow you to reach your ideal customers whenever they search for a business similar to you with the search terms that are related with your business keywords.

iii) Done with the location and network, the third thing that you must pay detailed consideration to is the selection of the keywords. The keywords serve as your gateway to the world of online marketing. It allows your customers to reach your businesses and identify and recognize your business. It also establishes a strong connect between you and your customers.

You should pay detailed focus on the selection of the keywords for your business and should select them on the basis of their performance in the market, which is reflected beside them in AdWords.

3.  Setting Up Your Bid

This is the amount that you are willing to pay for every click on your ad. The bids can be set up manually or you can ask AdWords to automatically set the bid for you. It invariably depends on the budget that you have allocated for the campaign overall.

4.  Writing The Ad

It is probably where you might feel stuck. Suppose, you have a blooming business, brilliant overall appearance, great keywords and perfect target audience but the ad that you have written is not so compelling. This can lead to a dramatic loss and might also cause failure to your business.

Input the landing page of your business and provide the 1st and 2nd headline in the respective fields. It is the headlines that will grab the attention of the prospective customers and thus it ought to be catchy, short and must contain at least one of your keywords.

Then lay your focus upon the descriptions. Keeping it short you ought to describe the products and services that you offer and how it is beneficial for your customers. Writing an ad is a challenging task with ought to be carefully executed after properly analyzing the market and the competitors.

Click on the Save And Continue Button and Hurrayyy! Your First Campaign is set. But wait, your campaign won’t run until and unless you save your personal details with Google AdWords.

It requires you to enter the country where you are located and the type of account through which you will pay. Then you enter your name, address, contact number and your email id, which will be saved by Google AdWords for providing you with detailed personalized recommendations. Further you need to select on the payment mode and enter the full details of your bank account or credit or debit card details which will confirm the successful beginning of your campaign.

Factors That Influence Your Campaign In Google Adwords

1. Right Keywords

Picking up the right keywords ensure setting a good start for your business. It is your keywords that set the entire advertising process in motion. If the traffic on your website is not increasing, it might be because you have selected the wrong keyword for your business. You need to know what your customers are looking for.

Google informs you how the keywords are performing and the cost to advertise on each keyword. With the use of Keyword Wrapper you can get varied range of keywords and search terms that serves to be highly beneficial for your business. If your users are looking for the products and services that you deliver, there are high chances that your business will appear in front of them if you have chosen the right keywords.

The three steps that will help you to get the best keywords which can perform well and improve your overall appearance in Google are defined below:

  • Expand

You must first make a list of as many keywords as you can which relates with your business and your campaigns as well. Try writing down the prospective keywords that comes to your mind about your business and that people might type to look for your business.

  • Group

Move the keywords into respective ad groups where they serve to be most relevant. Always remember to structure your ad groups in the most stunning and feasible manner that makes sense and is easy to track down.

  • Refine
Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c7vDEE

Here comes the final step for selecting most apt and well-performing keywords. Refining the keywords from the list requires you to cut out and cross the irrelevant keywords and select the ones which are more specific for your business. Two and three phrase keywords usually perform the best than the one word keyword.

While you know how to select the keywords, you must also acquire knowledge about the various types of keywords that are available:

  • Broad Match Keyword- It helps you to reach comparatively a very large range of audiences and users. Any variation in your keyword is accepted by this type and it shows your ad to the customers who type any kind of varied keywords, which you have selected.
  • Phrase Match Keyword- It narrows your keyword reach but enhances the possibility of reaching the right kind of audiences. It enables your ads to appear on the search result when someone searches with the search term that your keywords contain.
  • Exact Match Keyword- It specifies your reach even more by showing your ads to the people who types the exact keyword as is selected by you.
  • Negative Match Keyword- These types of keywords are referred to the search terms which prevent your ad from appearing when a word or phrase you specify is part of the search term.

2. Competitor Intelligence

Now, as you are ready with your keywords, you need to learn about your competitors and the steps undertaken by them. Keeping a track on your competitor’s performance helps you to always boost your business and keep an edge over your competitors. Also known as competitor intelligence, this particular point helps you to try out the tested and optimized method which is working well for your competitors. It helps you to figure out their keyword, ad and landing page performance.

3. Landing Page

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2bR4Uzk

Okay! You are ready to gain traffic and attract more business prospects through Google AdWords, which in other words mean that you will shed out money to bring more traffic to your website. Great. But, if your landing page is not eye-pleasing and does not provide you with ideal detailed information, then probably all your investment will go in vain. The landing page need not just be a mere landing page, it needs to be designed as an advertising landing page.

The two most important factors that you need to keep in mind while advertising with Google are:

  • Landing page experience
  • Google’s site policies

Both these factors need to be kept in mind in order to make your landing page get approved by Google. The landing page experience refers to the landing page which the visitors can easily use and that will not mislead the visitors in any way. Following the site policies of Google is also often considered as a significant factor which boosts your businesses and enhances your visitor’s experience excellently.

You can make your landing page irresistible one by including the following points into it:

  • Make use of relevant, useful and unique content
  • Maintain transparency and trustworthiness
  • Maintain an ease of navigation
  • Keep the entire element simple and elegant
  • Make your site mobile-friendly
  • Decrease the loading time of your landing page
  • Follow Google’s advertising policies
  • Make your landing page secured with https
  • Use the H-tags on the landing page for unique experience
  • Use the ALT Text on Images
  • Use Meta Descriptions and meta title for the landing page

4. Powerful USP

The USP of your business is what differentiates you from your competitors. It also serves as a compelling reason for your customers to choose you. Generate a strong USP, as it helps you to get more traffic from qualified prospects and customers. A strong and powerful USP also helps to skyrocket your sales conversion rate with excellence. It also guarantees you to eliminate price comparison shopping which can be a game changer for you.

How You Create The USP Which Makes Sense?

  • Focus on your key ingredients and strengths
  • Talk to your customers and pay heed to their valuable feedback
  • Analyze your competitors
  • Create a unique USP

5. Compelling Ads

Creating and crafting compelling ads for your business is what serves in your favor. In order to reach effective and potential customers, you should make your text ads more specific, relevant and empowering.

You should keep the following tips in mind while writing the text ads:

  • Highlight your uniqueness
  • Include Price, offers and promotions
  • Put a call-to-action
  • Include at least one of your selected keywords
  • Ensure matching your ad to your landing page
  • Don’t forget your mobile customers
  • Keep on rotating your ads to gauge their performance
  • Check for common text mistakes

Measure Your Results

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c23KvC

Your campaign is now created and you are reaping results for the seeds that you have planted. So, what really do you expect from your ad? How do you want them to perform and how really are they performing? Keeping a track of all these and many more details become mandatory for you to know how essentially your ad is performing.

Google AdWords come up with some advanced reports that tells you about the performance of your ad beyond the clicks and impressions allowing you to take a look at the impact of AdWords on your business.

  • Customize Your Data

AdWords allow you to customize your data and see only the reports or statistics that interests you. Being able to customize your data makes it efficiently to manage your campaigns easily and quickly.

There are several ways through which you can customize your data-

  • Adjusting date range
  • Segments
  • Columns
  • Graphs
  • Filters

Customizing the data serves as the ultimate and the best way to analyze and to improve the performance of the ad.

  • Dimensions Tab

You can choose the Dimension tab to take a look at data across your entire account through the use of different dimensions like time, days and further details which helps you to get more insight into your ad performance. It helps you to identify the wide prospects which are available for optimization.

You can filter your data through various dimension tab which include:

  • Time
  • Geography
  • Landing page
  • Day
  • Search Term Reports

Analyzing the performance of your keyword is equally important when you want to check in how exactly your ad is performing. The search term or keyword report allows you to take an insight about the terms people generally uses to search for when your ad was shown. The performance metrics of each of the term is shown and discussed in detail through this report.

You can use your search term data report to optimize your keywords in ads through the following ways:

  • Adding New Keywords
  • Make non-performing terms as negative keywords
  • Select the correct match types
  • Keep a track on your ad text
  • Top Movers Report

This report allows you to see which campaigns experienced the biggest changes in terms of clicks, conversions and impressions and what are the causes for these changes. This report compares two consecutive time periods of same length and thus produces the changes in detail. You can use the report to identify which campaign requires your attention and action and which campaign is not performing.

While checking this report below are the things that you should always keep in mind:

  • It measures the campaigns and ad groups which has experienced rapid changes, ups or downs.
  • The changes mentioned in this report are only attributed once.
  • Paid & Organic Report
Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cgtAQ8

It allows you to see how often pages from your website are appearing on Google and which queries are triggering the results. It helps you to understand how the paid and organic search works to provide you with identifying new opportunities and gaining an overall view of the online performance of your website.

The benefits of paid and organic reports of Google AdWords can include:

  • Discovering additional performing keywords
  • Optimizing your presence on high-value queries
  • Measure changes holistically

Auction Insights

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c31fJo

Yet another kind of report, the auction insights help you to compare your performance with other advertisers who are taking part in the same auction as of yours. It helps you to gain an insight of how often your ads rank goes higher in search results than those of your competitors.

The report of Auction Insights can be used for:

  • Making strategic decisions about bids
  • Finalizing the budget for the campaign
  • Selecting the keywords

Measure Your Performance

Google AdWords give you the liberty to not only measure and keep a track of your results but also significantly help you to measure the overall performance of your ads as well. It offers several tools that can help you to measure the performance of your ad.

Some of the excellent tools offered by Google AdWords are:

  • Conversion Tracking

Statistics like click, impression, conversion and clickthrough rate might give you a good and clear idea about the performance of your ads, but it is the conversion report that helps you analyse how many of your audiences actually turned into become your customers.

Conversion Tracking is often referred to as the simplest and easy way to measure your conversions excellently. This tool is free and offers you an in-depth idea about the scenario that takes place when a customer clicks on your ad.

  • Google Analytics
Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cwNOmh

Being a free Google product, Google Analytics is extremely popular in the market. It is known for offering in-depth reporting on how people use your website and how they navigate throughout the site. It gives you a clear understanding about how people find you and how they optimize your website. This detailed report helps you to improve your ads and websites.

Linking Google Analytics with Google AdWords provide you with excellent benefits which include:

  • Importing Analytics goals directly in to your AdWords Account
  • Import valuable metrics of Analytics into your AdWords Account
  • Use advanced Analytics data to enhance your AdWords experience
  • Take advantage of advanced remarketing capabilities
  • Campaign Experiments

Campaign Experiments, is yet another powerful tool of Google AdWords which allows you to test and measure the changes that you planned in your account. Every time you make a change in your campaign, every time your campaign and your experiments are analyzed in details. This helps you to learn whether or not your experimental changes are working for the ads. It helps you to know which ad group and which campaign of yours are performing excellently.

Evaluate Metrics Relevant To Your Goals

Having a clear idea of your business and advertising goals allow you to use AdWords more effectively and efficiently. It helps you to check out the results and performance of the ad and consider whether you wanted these results or not.

The various metrics which you need to focus upon for analyzing your performance are:

Website Traffic

If your advertising goal is to bring more traffic to your website then focus on the clickthrough rates of the website.

The important things to measure for improved and focused traffic are:

  • Clicks And Clickthrough Rates- It helps you to understand how many people found your ad appealing and attractive to click on it and to visit your website.
  • Keywords- The keywords or search terms help you to unveil and unfold several ways through which you can understand the traffic to your website. You can also analyze which keyword is performing better and bringing attention for your business.


Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c0KBeU

Measuring conversions help you to know the success rate of your campaign. The conversions help you to see if your campaign is generating results for you. The converted clicks allow you to measure how many clicks are helping visitors to take valuable actions for your business. The conversion rate often refers to how frequently a click is converted on an average.

Return On Investment

No business can survive for long if it doesn’t make necessary profits. Return on Investment is required by them. Google AdWords offer you the information which allows you to decide how you will spend your budget.

ROI can be measured through the following formula-

ROI = (Revenue – Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold

Return On Ad Spend

You can measure the return on ad spend to see how much revenue you are generating for each dollar that is spent on your campaign.

ROAS can be calculated through the formula:

ROAS % = Revenue from campaigns / advertising costs x 100

Brand Awareness

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c7yKww

If your main goal is to raise awareness and visibility of the product or service that you offer, then enhancement of your brand awareness is compulsory for you.

Some of the metrics that can help you to show whether your campaign is successful or not are:

  • Impression
  • Engagement of customers
  • Conversions
  • Reach and frequency

How To Improve Your AdWords CTR?

Improving the Click-Through-Rate guarantees to increase the amount of revenue that you make on your ads. It also ensures taking the customers or the visitors directly to your website. In both the cases, it is the value and significance of the CTR is clearly defined for every business as it plays a major and key role for them. Improved CTR serves to be a crucial factor for the success of the business.

There are several good reasons for which every business runs drastically for ways through which they can improve and increase their CTR. If you are also on the same boat and are looking for various ways and strategies that can lead to enhanced CTR for you ads then the following points will prove to be extremely essential for you:

Start Generating Urgency With Countdown Timers

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cgqmuU

Countdown always works when it comes to attracting the visitors. You can use the countdown timers to generate the Fear Of Missing Out or FOMO among the people. It will instigate them to click on your ad and find out what’s so exclusive that they could have missed if they wouldn’t have clicked. Apart from increasing the CTR, it also helps significantly in increasing huge conversions and guarantees great traffic for the website. Try it out yourself, and experience the great opportunities that it offers.

Put Main Keyword In The URL Of Your Ad

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2ctiJAX

This is done to develop the trust among the people who see your ads. Putting your main keyword in the URL of the ad helps the readers to know that the ad is relevant to their search and is helpful for them. When the visitors see it, they are more assured of getting what they were looking for.

Use Ad Extensions To Increase Visibility

With the use of various extensions like location, phone call and the likes, you can be assured of receiving huge attention from your prospective customers and the visitors. This also establishes your authentication among them and thus makes you a reliable name in the market.

Know Your Audience

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2czSmXJ

The best way to craft your ad and bring wide attention for your business is to know your audience. Your business depends entirely on your audience and it is they who decide upon your reach and market stability. Talk to your customers and get to know about them, this will help you to plan and design your ad accordingly.

Knowing your audience means you ought to know who you are targeting and how beneficial their interest can be for your business. Show only what they want and dismiss everything that seems to be irrelevant to them. This helps you in shaping and planning your ad and ad campaign to reach the maximum number of relevant audiences.

Use Symbols To Get Attention

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cpjJ7n

Symbols play an interesting and efficient role for an ad to stand apart from their competitors who offer the same range of products and services. This serves as an ad pop and immensely grabs the attention of the visitors and prompts them to click on the ad.

Use Call-To-Action For Getting Clicks

Google suggests that you use a Call-To-Action in your ad copy. This gives your customer a reason to click your ad. Having a CTA brings a whole lot of difference to your ad as it guarantees that your visitors can’t ignore your ad. Entice your visitors to click on your ad and enjoy powerful and continuous flow of clicks.

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cx91g7

If you are using the Display Network for your advertisement, then using great and high quality images is what will work in your favor. For the display network, the people get attracted with what they see, rather than what they read. Your text comes as a second priority for them, the first thing that attracts them is the image that you have used. Attractive and relevant images should be used to compel your audiences’ attention excellently.

Stay Relevant

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cgszqn

Keep every element of your ad relevant to your business. If you are into a website design and development business and

your ad reflects more of your social views and ideas, then definitely it is not going to take you anywhere. For being effective and impactful in the market, it is essential for you to get be relevant.

Write Attractive Headlines

Attractive headlines are sure to grab the attention of the potential customers. Make it short, crisp yet relevant and enjoy the dramatic impact that it creates for your ad’s performance. It also plays a very crucial role and is considered as the one of the significant metrics which guarantees to improve the CTR massively.

Improve Your Content

In order to increase the CTR of your ad, don’t miss out on the efficiency of unique and excellent content. It is an attempt to increase the number of visitors your website receives. The better the content, the more number of clicks and page views it is supposed to receive.

First Letter Caps

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2ctkrSW

The thumb rule for experiencing improved CTR is to keep the first letters of the words in capital. You should always remember that you are writing an ad and not an essay in your school. Thus, perfection, neatness and professionalism store good points for you. It is even ought to be understood that the ads with first letter in caps always perform better and look better than the other-way-round.

Look At The Competition

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2cxdM9x

Okay! So you have entered the market and are all set to create a compelling ad, Right? Then keep a track on your competitor’s performance. Your competitor and their performance is what is going to boost your business and is going to be the main reason of keep you going in the market. See the points, where you lag behind your competitors and the points where your competitors are making a mark in the industry. Keep them as your inspiration and bang on you will experience wonderful performance in your business.

Optimize Your Campaign

Image Source- http://bit.ly/2c0KY94

When your campaign is running successfully, your performance is gradually increasing and everything is on the track, don’t forget to take a look at the ways through which you can optimize your campaign. Every business desires to grow and expand rapidly.

For improving your business and optimizing your campaign you ought to:

  • Improve your return on investment
  • Increase brand awareness on Display Network

Improve Return On Investment

Basic ways through which you can improve the ROI of your business are:

  • Use a landing page relevant to your ad
  • Adjust your bids time and again
  • Use relevant keywords and ad text
  • Add successful sites for ad’s placements

Increase Brand Awareness On Display Network

Undergo a brand engagement campaign and be assured to build awareness about your company and your products and services. The customers can interact with your brand in a variety of ways that include watching videos and spending time on your website.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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