Increase Conversion Rates For Your Ecommerce Websites

Ecommerce websites are the latest trend of internet world. In the year 2013 the money spent on the creation of Ecommerce websites saw a rise of 13.4% on average i.e. approximately $262 billion was spent in their creation. The revenue from these websites is constantly increasing. Here we shall provide you clues to optimize your Ecommerce websites to harness more visitors & thereby starting off the process of hiking the rate of conversion. In addition we shall also include the mechanisms to hike your organic page ranks to drive home high quality traffic.

Tips to increase your
Ecommerce conversion rates
There are many ways to optimize your Ecommerce sites & its various dynamic components but some are commonplace steps that can be applied to any scenario. These steps are as follows:

  • Optimization of the contents of your product page.
  • Optimization of the navigation.
  • Optimization of the shopping funnel.
  • Using precision based remarketing lists, re-target your customers.
  • Target the long-tail intrinsic keywords of your products.
    i)Optimization of your on page factors
    You may have a large shopping site, optimization of the titles, image alt tags, descriptions & contents for each page might sound a tiresome work. But you should take time to manually write your very own unique descriptions of products that takes you a long way & is worthy of your time & effort spent. Popular Ecommerce CMS platforms like Magento offers some methods that help you to easily update your common on page factors. The products that are sold at higher profit margins should be more stressed upon. As SEO executives we should figure out those categories & products that fetch more profit to the owners so that we could promote them more efficiently.
    If almost all of your products fetch equal amounts of revenue or you are unable to select the most important product, try out Google Analytics data for optimizing your web pages. Non-Ecommerce data like pages per visit, time on site can be utilized to see which pages have higher traffic or conversion rates.
  • Ways to manually optimize your category or product pages
    a) Include descriptive & relevant title tags with appropriately focused keywords.
    b) Include focused keywords in the URL of the page to optimize your urls.
    c) Include relevant focused keywords to the image alt tags.
    d) Page content should be compelling, unique & relevant to the category or product.
    e) Create internal links to related pages or sub categories.
    f) Create necessary external links to the relevant sources.
    ii) Optimization of the navigation of your website
    Commonplace or poor quality navigation can be the reason for high bounce rate. Optimize your site navigation to properly guide your visitors to purchase highly profitable products. Use the data provided by Google’s in-page analytics report to see where your visitors mostly navigate. This data may help you to optimize the layout of your website.
    iii) Optimization of your shopping funnel
    This target can be achieved via many ways but the easiest way around is reduction of step numbers to complete a purchase. Another popular step is to offer some reward to your customer to complete their purchase. For example before entering their payment details offer your customers some prize raffle.
  • Apply funnels to Google Analytics & see which step in it has the greatest abandonment rate.
  • See the effect of your funnel updates on funnel visualization reports of your Google analytics.
    iv) Dynamic Re-targeting/re-marketing with precision based lists of audience
    Dynamic remarketing means serving ads of your company to those customers who had left your site without making any purchase. Dynamic re-marketing & normal re-marketing are different in the sense that dynamic process involves marketing of those products on which the customers were showing interest but ultimately did not make a purchase.
    v) Organic targeting of long tail keywords
    Target the long tail keywords that are based upon your product data in the reports of your Ecommerce websites. Start some off page SEO for your category or product pages that are proving to be most valuable for your site. Implement a coherent SEO strategy to rank well your product page. For that you may hire an experienced SEO company that hires proficient SEO executives & content writers.
    Increasing the conversion rate for your Ecommerce site is always profitable particularly when there is such a steep race in the world of Ecommerce. Thus apply the above-mentioned rules to your site & implement more innovative ways to get ahead of your competitors.
Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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