Rank your page at Top with the SEO Techniques - Webskitters

Rank your page at Top with the SEO Techniques

Everyone wants their webpage to appear at the pick of any search result. If you want to get more engagement in your page and seek search engines to recognize your keywords, then you have to master the Search Engine Optimisation Techniques. The SEO of your website is the way to reach your website visible at the top position of search results. There is a lot of competition out there so, in order to gain a superior position, you have to be strategic. Keyword-targeted blogs are a treasure to give your website the acquired outcome. In this blog, I will reveal the techniques to make your blog or article keyword-targeted and favourably optimized.

It is a huge area to deal with and it has two distinctive fields to work:

On-page: It is referred to like the tasks done ‘on’ a page, for example, Title Tag, Meta Tag, Alt Tags, Internal Linking, all tag, content quality maintenance, proper keyword placement, etc. It is done on a single page to rank it high on Google or other Search Engine Result Pages.

Off-page: It refers to the tasks done ‘off’ a web page such as article and blog submission, Press Release, social networking, etc.

People often confuse between on-page and on-Site optimization, these two are an absolutely different field of optimization. On-site SEO is the optimization is a field where URL Structures, Sitemap, Robot.TXT, Broken Link Fixing, etc. Are controlled.

If you are an SEO learner or a service provider, it is very crucial to know all the nitty-gritty of SEO. When you find specific SEO-optimised web pages, remember that a set of rules is listed to rank it higher on the search engine. The on-page optimization has a goal to optimize a web page in an effective way, which will help the search engines comprehend the targeted keywords easily. The ranking factors always change with the updates in the Google search algorithm. Thus, you need to be aware of the updated rank system Google has, otherwise, you will fell behind. Over the past few years, a lot of determinations has introduced by Google. keyword density, content relevance, and user signals, a lot of factors have gain extraordinary priority and some lost their position. Content is still rocking there. To build good customer engagement, you can use videos on your blog post to make it informative. Let us have a look,

The following factors are important to maintain the position of your website at the pick of the search list.

Blog Title

The title (also termed as H1) of your blog post plays a pivotal role in different ways. First of all, it decides your rank in search result second, it tempts the readers to open the link. Thus, it has to be informative and attractive enough to earn more clicks, as well as there should be the right balance of keywords. Therefore, the task has to be done with great concentration using the right strategy. The other thing you must follow is, what the readers want to know. There is no use of using bombastic language and even a flat description of your content. The title should be crisp and informative. Then you will gain more clicks, which will, in turn, higher your rank.

Guidelines for Title

  • You require to follow some guidelines to create the SEO-optimized titles.
  • You should focus on keywords before you start writing your title.
  • Try to put the keyword on the title, you always need not too grammatically correct.
  • Don’t repeat a single keyword twice. It may harm the ranking as Google considers it spam.
  • Try to keep the length of your title within 65 characters.

Permalink Structure

Permalink or Permanent link coveys the subject matter of the web page, it is a vital optimization factor as well. The rank of tour website depends on permalink structure which has specific guidelines. The more optimized your permalink will be, your website will earn a better rank. The permalink structure is written below:

  • Include the targeted keyword in your permalink.
  • Do not use any special characters, symbols, commas, brackets, semicolons, etc.
  • Use ‘dash’ for separating the words in your link. This ‘pretty’ permalink is supported in every browser.

For example: https://www.demo.com/the-best-permalink-structure/


Using perfect heading tags also a vital aspect of your writing if you desire to rank your page. The heading points are generally used to highlight important points of your post. You better know the guidelines of the heading tags as it is an immensely vital part of on-page SEO tricks.

Guidelines of Headlines

  • The Guidelines of SEO optimized heading are listed below:
  • Do not use anywhere the exact phrase of the title in your content.
  • The further headers should follow H2, H3, H4… hierarchy.
  • Do not put much H2 and H3 tags. Google algorithm considers this sequence as spam.

Keyword Density

Keyword has the power either to make your website or webpage or break everything. As you want to use the targeted keywords for better ranking, you need to use those keywords wittily in order to rank one of the Search engine Results. Keywords are the search term, any potential consumer search on the internet. Thus, if you use the most frequently searched words in your title and content, generally your website would appear at the top of all search engines. However, it is easier said than done. Just give a thought of how many websites are there, and everyone is playing with the keywords. In order to crack the hardcover, you need to follow the guidelines sincerely. keyword density is the percentage of a keyword used in content concerning the total number of words in your content. Google is exceptionally smart to recognize the synonyms of your keywords, thus using exact synonymous keywords in title, description, content, and H1 are old-fashioned.

Image Source: https://bit.ly/2qmS170

Guidelines for using Keywords

let us take a look at the guidelines

  • The keyword density should be 1.5% as per rule.
  • You must use LSI keywords with the focused keywords.
  • You can put the keywords at the starting and ending paragraph of your content for better results.
  • Do not use exact-match keywords. This method would impact negatively on your website.

Meta Tag

Meta Tag in another vital factor to rank your blog post or websites. You need to create unique meta tags for a better search result. The meta tag explains the meta title, meta description, and meta keyword. Thus, you need to keep a couple of things in mind to win over your competitors. Google has its specific calculation in terms of meta title and meta description for ranking. Therefore, while placing the targeted keywords you need to be witty and crafty. Though Google now shifted its priority from meta keywords, however, other search engines still care for it. Let us read the guidelines:

Image Source: https://bit.ly/33jQhtR

Guidelines for writing Meta Tags

  • Pay attention to keywords on meta title and description.
  • Overusing keywords can harm your ranking order.
  • Try to fit the length of meta title and descriptions 60 and 155 respectively.
  • Write a user-friendly, relevant and appealing meta title

Image Optimization

Image optimization cannot be avoided. An image delivers a lot of sense than words. It aids readers to understand your topic and subject. If you use step by step instruction and statistical reports, it will positively reflect on your ranking. Most importantly if you use a helpful self-designed image that enlarges the credibility of your website. During image search, people tend to choose the clearest and relevant image, thus, you will gain more clicks on your page. Now, its time look at the guidelines you need to follow:

Image Source: https://bit.ly/2WIVlFC
  • Use engaging pictures, with relevant information.
  • Add Keywords in the image title and alt text of the image. So that users can find your image through image search.
  • Upload a compressed image, the pixel and resolution of an image can drop down your page.
  • Use the image when the content demands one.

Word Count

My writing mainly focuses on blogs and articles thus, word count definitely a crucial factor for coming up with the best outcome. Presently, all search engines give their priority to the quantity of the content as well. It is considered one of the vital SEO strategy. If your content is less informative then you will lose your rank. A regular informative blog should have at least 500 words.

Image Source: https://bit.ly/2JTqQrw

Guidelines to maintain word counts

Let us take a look at the principle you need to follow to rank your blog higher.

  • Research thoroughly about the keywords and then use them strategically.
  • There is no fixed rule for word count, however, an informative blog should contain at least 500 words.
  • Do extensive research on the other websites where an article or blog is written on the same topic.
  • Do not put unnecessary or irrelevant content to extend the number of words.

Internal Linking

For post engagement and ranking internal linking is very important. It drives the users to other relevant posts on the site to satisfy their quest for knowledge. This is an intelligent way to engage your customers, which in turn helps to rank your page higher. However, before linking related posts of your blog, there are a few guidelines that will help you to link in. Let us take a look:

Image Source: https://bit.ly/2C9Rs3d


If you properly add an internal link in your blog, your content will be very enriching and informative clearing all the questions of the readers’ minds. Thus, readers will come back to you over and over again. This is one of the major SEO techniques to rank your page higher.

  • Try to use the keywords both targeted and LSI as the anchor text. Do not overdo.
  • Do not include irrelevant linking that may bother the readers.
  • Always cater to the right information when the content demands it.

External Linking

it is not possible to have all the information at your end, that needs to be served to the customers. if you want to cater more information to satisfy your readers through your blog or article, then you should include some external links from where you also gather information to write your blog. It is a trick to serve all necessary information from your end so that readers can rely on you. It will help you to grab potential customers and increase better user experience. Another fact is when you provide relevant external links, Google will appreciate your effort to give your website high rank.

Image Source: https://bit.ly/34zuHC2

External Linking Guidelines

  • Make sure that the external sites you are linking, is authorized and credible. Linking regular sites can damage your rank. (Wikipedia link in is the most preferable).
  • Use the Nofollow tag to restrain your link.
  • Dofollow tags can only be used for genuine sites, for example, Wikipedia.

Page loading Speed

Though page loading speed optimization comes under designing and developing. Page loading speed is highly responsible for ranking. Google and other search engines prefer to rank high a site, that takes 3 secs loading time. No users will wait for minutes to have a site browsed. Google has started considering this fact as one of the most appealing rack factors. The guidelines are listed below:

Image Source: https://bit.ly/36J7nDI
  • Manage the page loading speed both for mobile and desktop versions.
  • Try to maintain the page loading speed under 4 secs.
  • Remove unnecessary plugins and codes, that can take a longer time to load your page.

Engaging Content

Content is the king of your website. It can improve customer engagement and also attract new customers. You can never trick the search engine with low-quality content. If your content is appealing, enriching and informative then users will stick to you. Using extraordinary elevated language should not be your choice. Try to write in a language that all readers can follow. Choosing a topic here is going to decide how many views you will get.

Image Source: https://bit.ly/2CeDIUO
  • Your blog or article should be trendy and unique
  • We should always use and analyze the keywords.
  • The paragraph should be short.
  • The formatting of your content must follow bold, italics, underline where needed to highlight points.
  • Try to get your audience, what they mostly demand. Solve their questions through your blog/ article.

Header Image Source: https://bit.ly/2NEo8Y0

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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