Search Advertising Trends in the Year 2016 - Webskitters

Search Advertising Trends in the Year 2016

Well it is certainly worthwhile to consider what is likely to occur in the search advertising in the year 2016 so that one can adjust to the strategy.

If considered Bing Ads, along with access to search data with adoption patterns and client interest, here are some predictions for the year 2016 and beyond.

Audience buying is right on Everyone’s mind

Well the technology behind marketing is getting stronger; advertisers are now accessing real-time data to drive important decisions with serious impact on ad platforms which they choose to use.

There is still a lot of opportunity in the industry which targets audience right across channels which is a possibility which makes advertising more personally relevant making it more effective.

A great example of this Bing Remarketing campaigns allows you to define an audience which is based on certain behaviors right on the site developing customized campaigns to reach audience on Bing Network

Well, the hardest working muscle in the audience is the collection of data. First-party data is known to be the information which businesses can collect on their customers like email address from an offer sign-up.

Well the second party data is the data company like Google or Bing can bring the table: audience search trends, paths to purchase, searcher intent and prediction modeling.

Feed are rising on rise

Feeds were born long before Bing or Google shopping campaigns were launched; these products have continued to constitute themselves within search advertising giving way for new innovation.

Product feeds give advertisers more efficient way to manage advertising large sets of products SKUs while ad formats create more engaging way to reach customers matching their search intent.

When one is supported by the right ad experience, feeds will increasingly help advertisers to organize, track, optimize, promote and report campaigns supporting large levels right across multiple industries.

Closing the gap with various user actions

With the help of ads, user end actions on the search engine results page can allow users to more quickly complete various desired transactions with strong intent.

You can give your user first priority giving you the ability to take your intended action. Many businesses will surely make SERP serve with various ad formats and extensions making things easier for potential customers.

Well in addition to SERP actions of advertiser implantation, publishers are making investments to help users to take quick and decisive action. Bing has implemented crowd-sourced info in the SERP to provide a searcher more information supporting decision making.

Well the industry has experimented with buy buttons, entertainment, communication and hotel bookings with various degrees of success. Facilitating faster task completion by connecting users with advertiser’s product and services will go on in the area of innovation and investment.

Including Mobile in the campaigns

This is not about how advertisers need to include mobile in their specific campaigns as consumer usage shifts right to the phone. This is how mobile is changing the way people search in two key ways:

  • It is more vocal
  • It is certainly more local and certainly more proactive

With the launch of Windows 10, it puts Cortana right on desktop and across all ecosystems, we are certainly seeing a massive increase in voice searches on Bing. The rise in various question phrases is the perfect indicator that voice search operates very differently from text-based search.

Voice activated search are on rise, advertisers have lot to learn about this new modality that will influence ad effectiveness. Voice search has many implications for paid search markets deserving a pot of their own.

Searchers use mobile personal assistant or voice search of what is expected right from those interactions. The ability for those interactions being forged is more predictive, personal and relevant becoming norm.

These are some of the key trends we’re seeing as we head into 2016. Some of these trends may significantly impact your business. What are you doing to prepare for or take advantage of these future opportunities?

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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