Successful Email Marketing Tips For Ecommerce

With the popularity of social media is very much evident even in the ecommerce world. One of the powerful ecommerce tools which can be used to engage customers and prospects is email marketing. As per statistics, email marketing accounts to nearly 7 percent of the user acquired in ecommerce sites raking second to search ones which amounts to 15.8 %.

For those who wish to capture more and more leads, it is very necessary to turn them into customers as well as increase sales. Here are 8 things which will effectively bring in success in the email marketing efforts for your ecommerce sites.

1. Bringing in relevance

A successful ecommerce email marketing properly begins with sorting out the customers lists. Proper and effective communication is surely going to resonate with all the customers. Like those companies targeting both female and male clothing should send emails promoting clothes of both the genders.

A promotional email to specific targeted customers increase the chance of open rates by nearly 14 percent and effectively improves the click through rates by 15 percent also reducing the bounce rates as well as the spam report rates.

2. Considering all devices

Nearly 53 percent of the total emails are now opened on a mobile device. Surely this number is going to rise making it important to properly incorporate responsive design into strategy of the ecommerce email marketing strategy.

Responsive design easily adapts to the device which is being used to view the emails. It is certainly unimportant that whether the targeted customers use the laptop, Smartphone, there should certainly be proper user experience.

3. Balancing the data

Balancing and leveraging the data collected from the effective behavior of website visitors is one of the effective ways to use email marketing for ecommerce. For example suppose a person adds a particular product to the shopping cart but does not purchase then an email can be sent to re-engage him again and again. If he does not return to make first purchase then a first reminder is sufficient. After that you can add him to your campaign for lead nurturing.

4. Getting personal

One of the effective ways to grab the attention of targeted customers as well as prospects is personalizing emails. But with the huge number of emails flooding in the inboxes, people may tend to skip if they do not stand out. Here are some of the ways to create attractive attention catching emails

  • Subject Lines: Emails which have personalized subject lines usually have 26 percent higher rates that non-personalized emails.
  • Calls to Action: if call to action is personalized then it has a 42 percent higher view to submission rate.

Attracting prospects as well as convincing them by clicking through the offer as well as personalizing emails.

5. Working on Automation

Proper marketing automation can be used to nurture leads with the help of email marketing campaigns. This will effectively help to stay in contact and attract various targeted content to your pre decided customer lists. In fact you may want to automate the interactions

Three popular marketing automation techniques are

  • Shopping cart reminders
  • Providing reminders based on search history.
  • Cross-sell emails.

6. Gathering power from the subject line

Proper email subject lines are on the front in case of the ecommerce email marketing efforts. It solely depends on writing in the prospects as the customers sees. In short the subject lines needs to descriptive as well as short.

7. Making the message strong with an imagery

It is very important to capture the eyes of the readers after receiving the email with images which tells the whole story about the offer. Images sell very much or even more than a copy of the email. Keep in mind to make the images clickable so as to target more and more customers.

8. Building a compelling call-to-action

After spending much money as well as efforts on marketing email, there are many ecommerce businesses which fail to bring to prominence a strong CTA. Communicate with the help of a single, compelling CTA involving a subject line, images.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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