For a startup or a veteran business owner creation of a website is a necessity these days as most of your customers would search online for their products and services. If you’re lacking in here then your rival would receive the project which certainly is not what you’re aiming at. Your website is your identity and it represents you plus your brand. But there are some criteria that should be maintained while developing your website and one major criterion is user friendliness.
One of the most powerful platforms to build a website is WordPress and if your website is built on it then you should know that you are sitting on a multi-talented framework. Let’s take an interesting journey into the world of WordPress plugins that have been strong influencers in the current year.
If you’re running a website without a contact form then it is like broadcasting TV commercials with “No Call” action. A website having no contact form is like a road having a dead end. Main aim of establishing a website is to provide information to users and this is an outlet for placing queries and inlet for receiving the answers. Website with no contact form would deprive a built up of quality newsletter list.
Online world’s main aim is to create an easy world and making automatic calls is not a good idea when you and your customers are separated through huge time difference. In this scenario a contact form is the best and safest option.
Gravity forms enable you to create a simple yet highly effective contact form. Forms having wide array of styles and functionalities are made with “Gravity Forms”. You need this if you want to collect quality contacts for your email lists and accepting payments from various payment gateways. In fact, “Gravity form” can integrate with several payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, FreshBooks, and Mail Chimp.
For making your web pages eligible for well indexing through Google and other search engines, “SEO by Yoast” is wonderful plugin that comes free.
You should develop as well as customize your site by using admin level users so that they can edit plus manage contents as an admin with editing permissions. Roles are based on specific functions that they perform on your website.
For this the “Members” plugin of WordPress helps you immensely. You have certain permission and you can customize it with the help of “Members”. If needed new roles can be created too.
Whenever there is more than a single user “User Switching” plugin works wonders. Properly analyzing “Members” plugin you’ll understand how “User Switching” does work. If you want to find out which site is viewed by users you can effectively switch over users without logging out from accounts. This is truly a time saver.
Every one of us wishes to own a spam free website and one powerful tool to own such a site is to activate the “Akismet” plugin. This filters out spam from your comments.
In addition activating “Conditional Captcha” would make users fill up Captcha text if they had previously made doubtful comments or if Akismet thinks them doubtful.
For creating a highly user friendly website you need to hire WordPress developers. Implementation of latest plugins or if necessary creating a unique one is a simple work for a proficient WordPress developer.