Heart warming story of a stammering stand-up comedian from India in the Nescafe ad. There is a thin line between generating empathy for the speech impaired people and mocking them. This Nescafe ad wonderfully portrayed the trials & tribulations of a stammering stand-up comedian. This ‘stutter ad’ had crossed 2.7 million views on the YouTube.
Usually we install surveillance cameras to catch burglaries or other criminal activities but the soft drinks major Coca Cola had used it differently. The hidden surveillance camera was used to capture acts of kindness, acts of heroism by common people, funny acts by some people, people sneaking kisses etc. The song “Give a little bit” is played during the SuperBowl in the year 2013. The commercial was an instant hit with the audience.
Creation of emotional connection
Story telling is a wonderful way to communicate your message. It is an amazing way to convey your messages, getting attentions of your customers ultimately compelling them to buy your products. One of the most fascinating results of this method is the example of The Lego Movie created by Warner Brothers in the early months of the year 2014. This toy maker brand used its articles as the stars for its advertisement campaign. This particular ad gathered around $200 million revenue for the company.
In our opinion the developers, designers, marketers & copyrighters should take a leaf from the movie directors. Nowadays products are scripted into reel life roles in the movies. Take for example the volleyball named Wilson (named after the brand) which played the role of the sole companion to Tom Hanks getting stuck on a deserted island for long 4 years in the movie Cast Away. The scene where Wilson was swept away into the ocean, gradually fading in the horizon- melancholic background music ensued & it brought about tears in the eyes of many spectators. No doubt it has helped increasing the brand awareness of Wilson volleyball.
How to make a brand emotional?
Creation of connection between customers & brands is not an easy task. Take for example the marketing campaign created by US marketing agency JB Chicago for its Pizza manufacturing client Vitalicious. The vita pizzas consist of lower calories & are healthier than other brands of pizzas but this vital message was vanishing amidst many other ad campaigns. JB Chicago had conducted a market research about the ad campaigns of other brands of pizzas. Then it created the below-mentioned concept.
The marketing agency created an emotional concept. The main messages are as you have grown as a health conscious individual; your pizza too has changed. Your pizza is now made of fewer calories. So do not worry about your health while you consume your favourite Pepperoni Pizza. This ad campaign outperformed its competitors by a ratio of 3 to 1.
Thus we can see that the world of advertisement is undergoing major transformations. Emotional value of an ad is exceedingly becoming important. More & more people are buying articles based on their emotional attachment with that brand. Thus the companies that do not value emotions of its customers will gradually face extinction.